Cosmologia cromatica


  • Nicola Vitale


Parole chiave:

Colour, Structure, Culture


Color can be considered a complex system that responds to certain constants. These dynamics reveal a structure that has strong analogies with cosmologies of different cultures and eras. For example, the white light of the sun as the first principle from which all colors are born by diffraction, or the triad of primary colors that contains and produces the other colors, or the tensions between the complementary colors that enhance or cancel each other out. These structural relationships, at the basis of pictorial syntax, suggest comparisons with analogous structures that we find in nature, in individual and social psychology, in philosophical and theological constructions, in sapiential texts. The survey undertaken seeks to bring out common structures in the analogue game between different levels of experience and knowledge.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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SCHOPENHAUER, A., Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, Anaconda Verlag, Cologne 2009; tr. it. G. Brianese, Il mondo come volontà e rappresentazione, Einaudi, Torino 2013.

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