Foto con signora. Omaggio a 'L’amore fugge' di François Truffaut


  • Paolo Bignamini



Love on the Run (L'amour en fuite, France, 1979) is François Truffaut’s latest film featuring the fictional character of Antoine Doinel. By means of flashbacks from other films of the «Doinel series»,  the film goes over the protagonist’s love mishaps. Picture with a Lady is a drama experiment applied to movie making, a fictional creation that makes its way through what was unrevealed in Love on the Run, and tells, in the folds of the unsaid, a love story imagined but already implied in the film. A love story both inevitable and impossible.


KEYWORDS: Truffaut; Doinel; Amore; Montaggio;

Riferimenti bibliografici

DE BAECQUE, Antoine; TOUBIANA, Serge, François Truffaut, Gallimard, Paris 1996.

MALANGA, Paola, Tutto il cinema di Truffaut, Baldini&Castoldi, Milano 1996.

TRUFFAUT, François, Les aventures d'Antoine Doinel, Mercure de France, Paris 1970; Le avventure di Antoine Doinel, tr. it. M. Calò, Marsilio, Venezia 1992.

TRUFFAUT, François, Les films de ma vie, Flammarion, Paris 1975; I film della mia vita, tr. it. A. Costa, Marsilio, Venezia 1978.
