Astratto, Figurativo o Kitsch?


  • Danila Bertasio



Throughout the history of culture, the utopia of creating a “double” has produced several relevant examples: from Filippo Negroli’s bourguignotte to the wax statues, from Baron Kempelen’s charming Turkish to the contemporary anthropomorphic robotics. But what is the element which allows us to categorize an artefact as kitsch? This question cannot be simply answered by referring to the intuitive judgement, according to which the kitsch would be nothing but an epxression of “bad taste”. This type of composition is always influenced by the human structural and unavoidable inclination to make copies. What is sure, then, is that the production of kitsch objects is steady, although it can be subject to change in relation to the new technologies and languages that are made available. 

Riferimenti bibliografici

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ARENDT, Hannah, La banalità del male. Eichmann a Gerusalemme (1963), tr. it. di P. Bernardini, Feltrinelli, Milano 2011.

BAUDELAIRE, Charles, La Capitale delle Scimmie (1864-1866), a cura di G. Montesano, Mondadori, Milano 2002.

BLOCH, Ernst, Eredità del nostro tempo (1962), a cura di L. Boella, Il Saggiatore, Milano 1992.

BOYM, Svetlana, Common Places. Mythologies of Everyday Life in Russia, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1994.

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MARCUSE, Herbert, “Sul carattere affermativo della cultura” (1937), in Id., Cultura e società. Saggi di teoria critica 1933-1965, tr. it. di C. Ascheri, Einaudi, Torino 1982.

MECACCI, Andrea, Il kitsch, Il Mulino, Bologna 2014.

MOLES, Abraham, Il kitsch. L’arte della felicità (1971), a cura di A. Mendini, Officina, Roma 1979.

MORIN, Edgar, L’industria culturale (1962), Il Mulino, Bologna 1963.

NABOKOV, Vladimir, Nikolaj Gogol’ (1944), tr. it. di C. De Lotto e S. Zinato, Adelphi, Milano 2014.

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NIETZSCHE, Friedrich, “Nietzsche contra Wagner” (1888-1889), in Id., Scritti su Wagner, tr. it. di F. Masini, Adelphi, Milano 1979.

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