Una dialettica sincopata. Una riflessione su Un anno con 13 lune di R.W. Fassbinder


  • Manuele Bellini




Fassbinder’s In a Year of Thirteen Moons is not only a reflection, inspired by Schopenhauer’s philosophy, about suicide and its legacy, but it’s also a mise en scène of the short circuit of the dialectic struggle between the opposites, expressed by the transsexual main character of the movie Elvira, who shows in parallel, with her irreprehensible transitional body from a sex to another, the radical impossibility of social integration undermining the organization of the aedipical family, upon which bourgeois hierarchy of patriarchal society is based. Her diversity is not related to the capitalistic society’s dual logic and to its Manichaean dialectic of values, exposed by Fassbinder’s melodramas, which are similar to Verdi’s operas, loved by him.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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BELLINI, Manuele, “Il melodramma di Fassbinder e la dialettica dell’indicibile”, Materiali di Estetica, 10, 2004, pp. 165-190.

BURGOYNE, Robert, “Narrative and sexual excess”, October, 21, 1982, pp. 51-61.

CRIMP, Douglas, “Fassbinder, Franz, Fox, Elvira, Erwin, Armin, and all the others”, October, 21, 1982, pp. 62-81.

FASSBINDER, Rainer Werner, “Un anno con tredici lune” (1978), in I film liberano la testa (1984), Ubulibri Roma 1998.

FERRARIO, Davide, “Un anno con 13 lune”, Cineforum, 224, 5, 1983, pp. 69-73.

—, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Il Castoro, Roma 1995.

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MAGRELLI, Enrico, SPAGNOLETTI, Giovanni (a cura di), Tutti i film di Fassbinder, Ubulibri, Roma 1989.

PARINETTO, Luciano, “Realismo critico di Verdi ne La traviata”, in Id., Verdi e la rivoluzione. Alienazione e utopia nella musica verdiana, a cura di M. Bellini e G. Scaramuzza, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2013, pp. 19-22.

SCARAMUZZA, Gabriele, Il brutto all’Opera. L’emancipazione del negativo nel teatro verdiano, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2013.

SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur, Il mondo come volontà e rappresentazione (1818), tr. it. di N. Palanga riv. da A. Vigliani, “Introduzione” di G. Vattimo, Mondadori, Milano 2008.

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WATSON, Wallace Steadman, Understanding Rainder Werner Fassbinder. Film as private and public art, University of South Carolina Press, South Carolina 1996.


