Fulvio Papi e la grande letteratura del Novecento


  • Silvana Borutti




This article analyses Fulvio Papi’s writings dealing the great literature of the Twentieth Century, and is devoted in particular to his work on Musil, Yourcenar, Pavese. Poetic and literary writing offer to the philosopher a rich field of investigation, concerning themes that also belong to his philosophical research. The following topics are dealt with: the different conditions for the formation of the identity of the subjects; the multifarious quality of time; writing as a form of existence of the Self.

Riferimenti bibliografici

GARGANI, Aldo Giorgio, Freud Wittgenstein Musil, Shakespeare & Company, Milano 1982.

MUSIL, Robert, L’uomo senza qualità, tr. it. di A. Rho, Einaudi, Torino 1962.

PAPI, Fulvio, La parola incantata e altri saggi di filosofia dell’arte, Guerini e Associati, Milano 1992.

—, La biografia impossibile, Ibis, Como-Pavia 2011.

—, L’infinita speranza di un ritorno. Sentieri di Antonia Pozzi, Mimesis, Milano 2013.

—, Il poeta, l’impero, la morte, Ibis, Como-Pavia 2015.

—, Il pensiero ironico e il regno dell’amore. Traversata filosofica nell’opera di Robert Musil, Mimesis, Milano 2016.

—, Come specchi del tempo. Yourcenar, Richardson, Fielding, Pavese Ibis, Como-Pavia 2016.


