«Sono andato perduto al mondo». Riflessioni su appunti che il giovane Kafka dedica all’estetica


  • Markus Ophälders




The different conceptions of apperception elaborated by Brod and Kafka are compared by pointing out the fact that Brod is focussing on the intellectual or conceptual interpretation of the concept and Kafka on the aesthetical one, since it seems to be this the major difference between the two. This also involves the modern conception of the new and the traditional one of the difference between form and content. Relating Kafka’s notes on aesthetics to his first and contemporary tale Description of a battle, it becomes clear, that there is no self- consciousness, identity, liberty or experience of the world. Apperception, for Kafka, is an aesthetical movement and the new depends on the relationship between the artwork and the fruition. This makes the new of an artwork the consequence of a dynamic relationship linked to imagination and reflection more than of rational thought. This also means that totality in a work of art is necessary but impossible to obtain. For Kafka the difference between self- consciousness and the world has been eliminated. Thus, the new becomes the return of the same, in the modern world the chock, and the chock is perception. This is also the moment of redemption in Kafka’s writings, the moment in which the content musically transcends the form. It’s a total suspension of time, the redemption, and it appears in Kafka only in the form of a gesture, which has been lost by the world. A gesture, a name, the totality of experience, the redemption – this may be possible only acting in a way that forces the angles to work.

Keywords: letteratura; appercezione estetica; realismo; alienazione; esperienza; choc; immaginazione; gesto; musica

Riferimenti bibliografici

KAFKA, Franz, “Beschreibung eines Kampfes”, in Id., Beschreibung eines Kampfes. Novellen, Skizzen, Aphorismen aus dem Nachlaß, a cura di M. Brod, F. Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. 1986; tr. it., “Descrizione di una battaglia”, in Id., Tutti i racconti, a cura di E. Pocar, Mondadori, Milano 2015.

–, Der Prozeß, a cura di M. Brod, Fischer, Frankfurt a.M. 1986; tr. it. Id., Il Processo, tr. it. di C. Morena, Garzanti, Milano 1984.

–, Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande, a cura di M. Brod, Fischer, Frankfurt a.M. 1986; tr. it., Id., Confessioni e Diari, a cura di E. Pocar, Mondadori, Milano 1972.

–, “Das dritte Oktavheft”, in Id., Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande, a cura di M. Brod, Fischer, Frankfurt a.M. 1986; tr. it. Id., Confessioni e Diari, a cura di E. Pocar, Mondadori, Milano 1972.

BENJAMIN, Walter, “Franz Kafka”, in Id., Gesammelte Schriften, a cura di R. Tiedemann e H. Schweppenhäuser, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1980-1989, vol. II.2; tr. it., Id., Angelus Novus. Saggi e frammenti, a cura di R. Solmi, Einaudi, Torino 1995.

–, “Das Passagen-Werk”, in Id., Gesammelte Schriften, a cura di R. Tiedemann e H. Schweppenhäuser, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1980-1989, vol. V; tr. it., Id., Parigi capitale del XIX secolo. I «Passages» di Parigi, a cura di R. Tiedemann, ed. it. a cura di G. Agamben, trad. di R. Solmi, A. Moscati, M. De Carolis, G. Russo, G. Carchia, F. Porzio, Einaudi, Torino 1986; riedita: I «Passages» di Parigi, a cura di R. Tiedemann, ed. it. a cura di E. Ganni, tr. riveduta da H. Riediger, Einaudi, Torino 2000.

–, “Über das Rätsel und das Geheimnis”, in Id., Gesammelte Schriften, a cura di R. Tiedemann e H. Schweppenhäuser, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1980-1989, vol. VI.

–, “Fragment 95”, in Id., Gesammelte Schriften, a cura di R. Tiedemann e H. Schweppenhäuser, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1980-1989, vol. VI.

BROD, Max, “Zur Ästhetik”, in Id., Über die Schönheit häßlicher Bilder. Essays zu Kunst und Ästhetik, Wallstein, Göttingen 2014.


