The «Ordene de Chevalerie» and the Old French Translation of William of Tyre: the Relationship of Text to Context (with an Edition of «OC»)

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Margaret Anne Jubb


This article examines a recently discovered prose version of the Ordene de Chevalerie which is interpolated in only two of the 51 surviving manuscripts of the Old French translation of William of Tyre (the Eracles): Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, ms. 137 and Épinal, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 45. Discussion of the interpolation and of the broader manuscript context throws light both on the adaptable nature of the OC itself and on the preoccupations and tone of the French translation of William of Tyre in which it is included. An edition of the text of the OC as found in the Baltimore ms. follows the article. 

Questo saggio si occupa di una versione in prosa recentemente scoperta dell’Ordene de Chevalerie, inserita in solo due dei 51 manoscritti ancora esistenti della traduzione in francese antico della cronaca di Guglielmo di Tiro (Eracles): Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, ms. 137 ed Épinal, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 45. L’analisi dell’interpolazione e del suo piú ampio contesto manoscritto fa luce sia sulla la natura versatile dell’OC, sia sulle finalità e il tono della traduzione di Guglielmo di Tiro nella quale si trova inserita. Dopo lo studio, si presenta un’edizione del testo dell’OC secondo il manoscritto di Baltimora. 

Dettagli dell'articolo

Come citare
Jubb, M. A. (2016). The «Ordene de Chevalerie» and the Old French Translation of William of Tyre: the Relationship of Text to Context (with an Edition of «OC»). Carte Romanze. Rivista Di Filologia E Linguistica Romanze Dalle Origini Al Rinascimento, 4(2).
Biografia autore/autrice

Margaret Anne Jubb, University of Aberdeen

Margaret  A. Jubb ( is Honorary Senior Lecturer in French at the University of Aberdeen. Her main research interest is the representation of the crusades in Medieval and Early Modern Western literature. Her Cambridge PhD thesis, a critical edition of the Old French Estoires d’Outremer et de la naissance Salehadin, completed under the supervision of the late M. Ruth Morgan, was published in London in 1990 and was followed by a broader study, The Legend of Saladin in Western Literature and Historiography (Lewiston · Queenston · Lampeter, 2000).