Illicit weapons trafficking: notes for an analysis


  • Monica Massari Professoressa Associata di Sociologia presso l’Università di Napoli “Federico II”



The article provides a preliminary analysis of the illicit arms market at international level, paying special attention to the role played by criminal organizations and, in particular, Italian mafias. On the basis of information provided by a number of studies and research carried out during the past few year by international organizations and specialized research institutions, the Author provides a wider analysis of the data available, the organization and characteristics of the market and the factors which facilitate it, through a comparative analysis aimed at stressing differences and similarities existing with other illegal markets, such as drugs and trafficking in human beings. It emerges from the analysis that arms’ acquisition modalities within the illegal market by organized crime groups foresee the presence of close partnerships and exchange practices with both criminal actors operating in source countries – such as the Balkan area – and with members of the legal world, such as, for example, arms producers and corrupted public officials who can facilitate the transactions.

Keywords: arms, illicit trafficking, organized crime, mafias, violence

