Questa è una versione superata pubblicata il 2023-08-08. Visita la versione più recente.

The threshold of the monstrous, between dehumanization and necro-capitalism


  • Vincenzo Di Mino Indipendent researcher in political and social theory


Parole chiave:

dehumanization, production of monstrosity, necro-capitalism, multiple social and political layers, crisis


The subject of the following contribution is a discussion of the theses in R.L.Smith's volume 'Making Monster,' on the relationship between processes of dehumanization and the production of monstrosity. Reading the multiple facets of this link, the contribution tries to highlight some lines of analysis. The first of analysis concerns on the epistemic status of the concept of dehumanization. The second, on the other hand, concerns the actual dimensions of the processes of monstrosity production within the multiple social, temporal and political layers of the concept of crisis.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Asma, M.I., On Necrocapitalism. Plague journal, Kersplebedeb, Montreal 2022.

AA.VV., Sentimenti dell’aldiquà, Theoria, Roma 1989.

Berlant, L., On the inconvenience of the other people, Duke University Press, Durham 2022.

Castellano, L., La politica della moltitudine, Manifestolibri, Rome 1997.

Fisher, M., Ghosts of my life, Zero Books, Washington 2012.

Fisher, M., The weird and the eerie, Repeater Books, London 2016.

Freud, S., The Uncanny, in J.A. Weinstock (ed. by) The Monster Theory Reader, Minnesota University Press, St. Paul 2020, pp. 59-88.

Kristeva, J., Pouvoir de l'horreur: essai sur l'abjection, Seuil, Paris 1980.

Neocleous, M., The Politics of Immunity, Verso Books, London-New York 2022.

Sloterdijk, P., Ira e Tempo. Saggio politico-psicologico, Meltemi, Milano 2007.

Sloterdijk, P., Devi cambiare la tua vita, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano 2010.

Sloterdijk, P., Not Saved. Essays after Heidegger, Polity Press, London 2016.

Smith, D.L., Making Monsters. The uncanny power of dehumanization, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA 2021.






The anomalous and the deformed in nature and in art: Monstrous births and human phenomena between myth and metaphor (ed. by M. Mascherini, B. Accarino)