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La zona d’ombra della teratologia. Un excursus sull’ermafrodito


  • Caterina Tortoli Università di Firenze


Parole chiave:

monster, irregularity, exclusion, abnormal


This work focuses on a particular figure of the monster: the hermaphrodite who has been considered significant since ancient times. In Middle Ages, the hermaphrodites were executed because of their deformity. This attitude changed later on and they started to be condemned as perverts. During the XIX century, Teratology wanted to include them in a monsters’ classification but the scientists found this work very difficult because they were influenced by novelists who considered the hermaphrodite a perfection’s emblem. In this case, it’s important to underline that Balzac and Hugo wrote about “double” monsters. It means that Balzac talked about people who were both male and female, while Hugo talked about characters with both dark and sublime soul. Balzac in particular considered the androgyne perfect because he didn’t show significant differences. So, this essay wants to analyze the debates about hermaphrodite and its doubleness.

Riferimenti bibliografici


Benadusi, L., Dalla paura al mito dell’indeterminatezza. Storia di ermafroditi, travestiti, invertiti e transessuali, in E. Ruspini, M. Inghilleri (a cura di), Transessualità e scienze sociali: identità di genere nella postmodernità, Liguori, Napoli 2008, pp. 18-48.

Bertolini, M., Mostri e deformazioni sociali nell'opera di Balzac: il caso Sarrasine, in “Aesthetica Preprint”, 96, 2012, pp. 23-30.

Foucault, M., Canguilhem. Il filosofo dell’errore, trad. it. di P. Rossi, in Quaderni piacentini, FAE riviste, Milano 1984.

Mazzocut-Mis, M., Mostro. L’anomalia e il deforme nella natura e nell’arte, Guerini, Milano 2013.

Mazzocut-Mis, M., Classificare i mostri: Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire e la tassonomia teratologica, in “Aestetica Pre-Print”, 96, 2012, pp. 9-14.

Platone, Simposio, trad. it di G. Reale, Bompiani, Firenze 2017.

Schettini, L., Un sesso che non è un sesso: medicina, ermafroditismo e intersessualità in Italia tra Otto e Novecento, in “Genesis”, XI/1-2, 2012, pp. 19-40.

Tort, P., Le mixte et l’Occident, in Id. La raison classificatoire, Aubier, Parigi 1996.







The anomalous and the deformed in nature and in art: Monstrous births and human phenomena between myth and metaphor (ed. by M. Mascherini, B. Accarino)