Introduzione. La memoria e la regione estetica della retorica


  • Amalia Salvestrini Università di Milano
  • Fosca Mariani Zini université de Tours


Parole chiave:

Aesthetics, Rhetoric, Memory, Invention, Poiesis.


Within the historiographical and theoretical question of the relationship between aesthetics and rhetoric, according to which terms and concepts of aesthetics were also formed thanks to rhetoric, which circumscribes a perceptible and circumstantial sphere of reason, the present issue is dedicated to investigating a poietic idea of memory. Within this framework, the interest in memory and not imagination is legitimised precisely by the desire to analyse the productive capacity of rhetoric from the 'inferior' faculty that seems at first glance the least creative, since traditionally memory has an accumulative and conservative function. Instead, our intention is precisely to suggest, thanks to the contributions published here, how memory is not simply a place of storage, but a source of invention. A memory that is therefore the very condition of the creative act and of the passage from the already known to the possible new.

The issue is thus divided into two parts: the first deals with the specific topic of poietic memory, the second explores some aspects of the more general question of the relationship between aesthetics and rhetoric.

Riferimenti bibliografici


Biard, J., Mariani Zini F. (a cura di), Ut philosophia poesis: Questions philosophiques dans l'oeuvre de Dante, Pétrarque et Boccace, Vrin, Paris 2008.

Carruthers, M., Machina memorialis: meditazione, retorica e costruzione delle immagini (400-1200) (1998), traduzione it. L. Iseppi, Edizioni della Normale, Pisa 2006.

Carruthers, M., The Book of Memory. A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2008.

Carruthers, M., The Experience of Beauty in the Middle Ages, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013.

Di Stefano, E., L’altro sapere. Bello, arte, immagine in Leon Battista Alberti, Aesthetica Preprint. Supplementa 4, Centro internazionale Studi di estetica, Palermo 2000.

Franzini, E., L’estetica del Settecento, il Mulino, Bologna 1995.

Franzini, E., L'altra ragione: sensibilità, immaginazione e forma artistica, Il Castoro, Milano 2007.

Fumaroli, M., La Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes (XVIIᵉ-XVIIIᵉ siècles), Gallimard, Paris 2001.

Jaeger, C.S., The Sense of the Sublime in the Middle Ages, 2022 URL:

Marini Zini F. (a cura di), Concepts rhétoriques, raisons topiques, ("Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale", 2, Avril 2010), PUF, Paris 2010.

Perelman, C., Olbrechts-Tyteca, L., Trattato dell’argomentazione. La nuova retorica (1958), N. Bobbio (a cura di), Einaudi, Torino 2001.

Russo (a cura di), L., Vedere l'invisibile: Nicea e lo statuto dell'immagine, Aesthetica, Palermo 2000.

Saint-Girons, B., Aux origines de l’esthétique. Philosophie ou rhétorique ?, in Quand l’art se dit et se pense. Les théories artistiques de l’Antiquité aux Lumières, Classiques Garnier, Paris 2018, pp. 323-339.

Salvestrini, A., Aesthetics and Rhetoric (Italian debate), in “International Lexicon of Aesthetics”. Spring 2022 Edition, Mimesis, Milano 2022.

Sicard, P., Diagrammes médiévaux et exégèse visuelle. Le Libellus de formatione arche de Hugues de Saint-Victor, Brepols, Paris-Turnhout 1993.

Tedesco, S., L'estetica di Baumgarten, Aesthetica, Palermo 2000.

Yates, F.A., L’arte della memoria (1966), traduzione it. A. Biondi, Einaudi, Torino 1993.




Come citare

Salvestrini, A., & Mariani Zini, F. (2024). Introduzione. La memoria e la regione estetica della retorica. Itinera, (27).