Larry Kramer ou les limites de la provocation au temps de la lutte antisida
The controversial picture of gay sexual promiscuity developed in Faggots, and the radical political positions portrayed in The Normal Heart during the AIDS epidemic have helped to build the reputation of Larry Kramer. However, in the same time, they seem to have made his discourse ineffective. Through the study of those two pieces, we are going to question the use of provocation in Larry Kramer’s work and its effects.Riferimenti bibliografici
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KRAMER, Larry, Faggots, Methuen, London 1986.
KRAMER, Larry, Reports From The Holocaust, St Martin’s Press, New York 1994.
KRAMER, Larry, The Normal Heart, Plume, New York 1985.
KRAMER, Larry, The Tragedy of Today’s Gays, JP Tarcher, New York 2005.
KRAMER, Larry, Please know, texte distribué à l’occasion de la reprise de The Normal Heart en 2012 à la sortie du Golden Theater de New York
KRANTOWITZ, Arnie, An Enemy of the People, in MASS, Louis David (ed. by),We Must Love One Another or Die: The Life and Legacies of Larry Kramer, Cassel, London 1997.
POLLAK, Mickael, Une identité blessée, Métailié, Paris 1993.
WEISS, Peter, Discours sur le Vietnam, trad. par BAUDRILLARD, Jean, Editions du Seuil, Paris 1968.
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