About the Journal

The magazine was born in 2008 as one of the first magazines on the OJS platform of "Riviste UniMi". First quarterly, from 2020 it is an annual journal.

Focus and Scope

LANX collects the articles of students and professors of the School, and of scholars who have collaborated on its projects. It also displays the results of their archaeological excavations and research. LANX objective is to share and diffuse the results of the strong research activity of the School.

Open Access Policy

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Share alike 4.0 International License.

Preprint and postprint version of the articles can be archived anywhere under the same license.


The University of Milan has an archival arrangement with the National Central Libraries of Florence and Rome within the national project Magazzini Digitali.

The journal has enabled the PKP PN (Preservation Network) plugin, in order to preserve digital contents through LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)  project



Editors have a duty to act promptly in case of errors and misconducts, both proven and alleged. This duty extends to both published and unpublished papers. In case such as errors in articles or in the publication process, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, appropriate steps will be taken, following the recommendations, guidelines and flowcharts from di COPE.  Corrections will happen with due prominence, including the publication of an erratum (errors from the publication process), corrigendum (errors from the Author(s)) or, in the most severe cases, the retraction of the affected work. Retracted papers will be retained online, and they will be prominently marked as a retraction in all online versions, including the PDF, for the benefit of future readers.

Peer Review Process

La Redazione seleziona i propri Referees cui sottomettere i contributi di ogni numero in uscita tra i maggiori esperti nazionali e internazionali dell'argomento su cui verte il contributo stesso. I Referees si atterranno a una politica di revisione rigorosamente anonima e dovranno esprimere, in un periodo massimo di 20 giorni, un giudizio sul valore scientifico e formale del contributo in funzione della sua pubblicazione, motivandolo adeguatamente e fornendo eventuali critiche e suggerimenti migliorativi.

Publication Frequency

Lanx is an open access annual electronic journal.

This is an open access journal which has the aim to provide free contents and research results for the users.



Responsible Director
prof. Fabrizio Slavazzi fabrizio.slavazzi@unimi.it

Editorial secretary
dott.ssa Daniela Massara lanx@unimi.it


prof.ssa Giovanna Bagnasco giovanna.bagnasco@unimi.it

prof.ssa Marina Castoldi marina.castoldi@unimi.it

prof.ssa Federica Chiesa federica.chiesa@unimi.it

prof.ssa Maria Teresa Grassi †

prof.ssa Claudia Lambrugo claudia.lambrugo@unimi.it

prof. Clemente Marconi clemente.marconi@unimi.it

prof.ssa Marta Rapi marta.rapi@unimi.it

prof. Umberto Tecchiati umberto.tecchiati@unimi.it



The Journal have no Article Processing Charges (APCs).


ISSN 2035-4797


All contents in LANX - Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici dell'Università degli Studi di Milano - IT are licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND License.