Introduction to the art of Anne and Patrick Poirier. Ideas and works from Villa Medici to Villa Adriana


  • Gaspare Luigi Marcone University of Milan



Anne Poirier, Patrick Poirier, Villa Medici, Domus Aurea, Villa Adriana, Venice Biennale, garden of memory, contemporary necropolis, memory, art, photography, architecture, archaeology


Anne and Patrick Poirier’s artistic research, particularly on the theme of memory, has been nourished by the ancient ruins that they had the occasion to study during several trips. A major influence came to them from Villa Medici and from Hadrian’s Villa, which they repeatedly visited in 1977.


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Author Biography

Gaspare Luigi Marcone, University of Milan

Gaspare Luigi Marcone graduated in the History and Criticism of Art from the University of Milan in 2006. Between 2007 and 2010 he collaborated with the Department of History of the Arts, Music and Theatre of the same university. He has published critical texts on contemporary Italian and international artists, curating exhibitions in public and private spaces. A number of his academic papers have analysed the relationship between contemporary art and archaeology.





SCENES OF ANCIENT ROME. Evolution of a Project. Edited by R. De Berti, E. Gagetti, F. Slavazzi. First Part