Il contributo dell’Università degli Studi di Milano negli scavi di Gortina: il materiale ceramico proveniente dalle Terme a Sud del Pretorio


  • Elisa Panero University of Milan



Gortina, Sigillata color crema, Sovradipinta bizantina, Produzione, Cibo


This text proposes an analysis of the problems relevant to the main productions of Gortinian local pottery (certificate, production and circulation in the Cretan center sites)  starting from the pottery of the excavation in the Thermae to the south of Pretorio discovered during the 2003-2009 missions by the Milan University (Director: Prof. G. Bejor).  Starting the research from a first classification of the available documents, the basis for the analysis of some problems relevant to production, use and circulation of the pottery and to the relationship between handmade pottery and daily life are created. The above with a particular care for the production of fine pottery and, particularly, of the local over-painted Byzantine and Demetrian ware.


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Author Biography

Elisa Panero, University of Milan

Elisa Panero is a grant-researcher at the Università degli Studi di Milano. Has gone through her studies and  researches mainly looking at the aspects concerning the  culture and the  territory of Ancient Times  particularly the settlements, material culture and landscape changes in Cisalpine area, Tunisia and Crete.





PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE: The Pottery of Gortyn (Crete), ed. by G. Bejor and E. Panero. Milan, 17th June 2009