About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Milan Law Review (MLR) is a multidisciplinary and multilingual law journal, published on a six-monthly basis in open access mode. The Review provides an open and pluralist space for discussion and in-depth scholarship, which aims to overcome those pre-established barriers which conventionally separate legal disciplines and national legal systems and to promote the scientific debate on a wide range of issues, from traditional to more strictly contemporary ones. Created on the initiative of the three Departments composing the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan, MLR counts among the members of its academic bodies prestigious Universities and research centres from all over the world.



The Review is published on a six-monthly basis.



The Journal is indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and in ERIHPLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciencies).


Open Access Policy

The Review provides open and unrestricted access to its contents. Anyone has the right to download, use, print, distribute and/or copy published content, in compliance with the adopted license (see below).


Creative Commons License

The Review is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution - 4.0 International License BY-NC-ND. This license allows to reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, publicly display, perform and recite the material in any medium and format, provided that the authorship of the work is expressly acknowledged. Use for commercial purposes is not permitted. For further details, click here.

Preprint and postprint version of the articles can be archived anywhere under the same license.

By submitting an article to the Review, the author accepts publication under this license.


Article Processing and Submission Charge

This journal does not apply article submission charges nor article processing charges (APCs).



The University of Milan has an archival arrangement with the National Central Libraries of Florence and Rome within the national project Magazzini Digitali.

The journal has enabled the PKP PN (Preservation Network) plugin, in order to preserve digital contents through LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)  project



Editors have a duty to act promptly in case of errors and misconducts, both proven and alleged. This duty extends to both published and unpublished papers. In case such as errors in articles or in the publication process, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, appropriate steps will be taken, following the recommendations, guidelines and flowcharts from di COPE.  Corrections will happen with due prominence, including the publication of an erratum (errors from the publication process), corrigendum (errors from the Author(s)) or, in the most severe cases, the retraction of the affected work. Retracted papers will be retained online, and they will be prominently marked as a retraction in all online versions, including the PDF, for the benefit of future readers.


Copyright Policy

The author allows Milan Law Review the right to publish the work within one year from the submission and the perpetual right to distribute the work free of charge by any means and in any parts of the world, including the communication to the public through the journal website.

The author retains the right to create derivative works and to reproduce, distribute, execute or publicly display her/his Work at conferences and presentations, lectures, and in case of any other professional activity.

The Author retains the right to disseminate open access the Work, through his website or through an institutional or disciplinary, from the publishing on Milan Law Review.

The Author, in agreement with the Publisher, renounces to any forms of compensation provided to authors and publishers for not for profit photocopying rights and library loan in accordance to the National law in force.


Information for submission

Those wishing to submit a contribution for publication in the Review shall either follow the submission procedure available on this site or contact the Editorial staff via email (milanlawreview@unimi.it). 


Peer review

Contributions are subject to double blind peer review. The Editor in Chief, after having carried out, directly or through a member of the Editorial Board responsible for the subject matter, a preliminary assessment of the scientific adequacy of the contribution and of its relevance to the thematic area of the Journal, sends the same contribution, anonymised by the Editorial Staff, to the referee chosen by him or by the member of the Editorial Board responsible for the subject matter he has appointed, from a list of referees drawn up by the Editorial Board. The referees give their assessment, unless otherwise agreed, within 20 days of the assignment. The outcome is communicated to the author either through the submission procedure available on this website or by email, depending on the method chosen by the author to submit the contribution.


Publication Ethics

The Review has adopted its own standards on publication ethics (click here to download), in compliance with the guidelines defined by the Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Place of publication

Milan, via Festa del Perdono n. 7, 20122