Predictive justice – auxiliary and substitutive. An evolutionary approach




Predictive Justice, Artificial Intelligence Narrow and General, Induction and Deduction, Auxiliary Predictive Justice and Substitutive One, Compatibility of Substitutive Predictive Justice with Constitutional Principles


The paper deals with predictive justice: the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to judicial decisions, both limited to the performance of particular functions of human intelligence, and general, such as to replace the latter in its entirety. Analyzing these objectives, here attributed to auxiliary and substitutive predictive justice, respectively, is relevant for at least three purposes. The first purpose, practical, attributed to auxiliary justice, is to contribute to the acceleration of trials. The second, theoretical purpose, attributed to substitutive justice, is above all to provide, by contrast, a model of how judges actually reason, comparing in particular inductive activities, more typical of the common law, and deductive activities, more typical of the civil law. The third purpose, normative, is to evaluate the compatibility of substitutive justice with constitutional principles, not only in Italy: an evaluation that is sharply negative.


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