The contribution of Bioethics to gender equality




Ethic of principles, feminist bioethics, ethic of care, gender equality, Council of Europe


Bioethics organized as an institutional discipline has given a relevant contribution to the identification of the critical aspects of the traditional, paternalistic relationship between doctors and patients. In this paradigm, patients are passive addressees of decisions concerning their health and life. The different bioethical paths that have contributed to defining the current model of care focused on patients’ autonomy have been enriched with the feminist perspective and the reflection on the ethic of care. The feminist bioethics has highlighted the need for overcoming the view of an abstract patient and for considering her in the concrete dimension of existence, with her differences and specific needs. The focus on the peculiar female condition has promoted a general reconfiguration of the category of vulnerable subjects in medicine. The paper will try to explain the main steps of this analysis.


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