In the Year of the Rat. From infection to poisoning in David Peace's Occupied City


  • Nicoletta Vallorani Università degli Studi di Milano



Susan Sontag’s probably most influencing work – her reflection on the metaphoric
aura enveloping certain diseases – may be of some use in introducing my approach to
David Peace’s narrative, with particular reference to the so called Tokyo Trilogy


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Biografia autore/autrice

Nicoletta Vallorani, Università degli Studi di Milano

NICOLETTA VALLORANI is Professor of English Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Milan. Her specializations include visual studies, gender studies and queer studies. Among her work, we mention Utopia di mezzo. Strategie compositive in When the Sleeper Wakes, di H.G.Wells (1996), Gli occhi e la voce. J. Conrad, Heart of Darkness: dal romanzo allo schermo (2000), Geografie londinesi. Saggi sul romanzo inglese contemporaneo (2003), Orbitals. Materiali e Script di London Orbital (2009. Recently, she authored two volumes: Anti/corpi. Body politics e resistenza in alcune narrazioni contemporanee di lingua inglese (Libraccio Editore, 2012) and Millennium London. Of Other Spaces and the Metropolis (Mimesis, 2012). She also coordinates the project Docucity, on documentary filmmaking and urban geographies ( and is the Deputy director of the online journal Altre Modernità ( Her current research has developed along a line of reflection that links literature to cinema and visual studies.




Come citare

Vallorani, Nicoletta. 2014. «In the Year of the Rat. From Infection to Poisoning in David Peace’s Occupied City». Altre Modernità, n. 11 (maggio):54-68.



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