The Education of Women During the Qājār Period: the Contribution Provided by the Works of Fénelon and Madame de Lambert


  • Maryam Mavaddat



This work aims at presenting the new educational materials proposed by
Persian translators and foreigner authors such as Fénelon and Madame de Lambert
whose works focused on woman’s genuine role within the Islamic community and on
new cultural ideals where men should have a different attitude towards women in order
to grow the new generation according to healthy and renewed principles. Through the
comparative and intertextual method, this research traces the links between texts and
different influences. It will be shown how Persian authors have been inspired by French
writers belonging to previous literary traditions to conciliate tradition and progress.


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Author Biography

Maryam Mavaddat

Maryam Mavaddat is an expert in history, in collaboration with Stefano Trinchese, prorector
at the University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara; Independent Researcher; PhD
from the University “L’Orientale” of Naples in “Turkey, Iran and Central Asia”; Master
Degree in Arabic and Persian at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome; Author of Adab
al-nesvan, Riccardo Condò Editore. I primarily deal with unpublished manuscripts from
the 17th and 19th centuries relating to the Iranian female society, such as the soon-to-bepublished
on IJPL “Humor in the Education of women in Ādāb al-Nisvān” and “On the
Education of women and older male children” published on the Iranian Studies Journal



How to Cite

Mavaddat, Maryam. 2019. “The Education of Women During the Qājār Period: The Contribution Provided by the Works of Fénelon and Madame De Lambert”. Altre Modernità, no. 22 (November):226-42.



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