Imaginarios testimoniales en escritoras argentinas contemporáneas (Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Selva Almada, Belén López Peiró)




Women's writing; Violence; Memory


In addition to exploring the ways Le viste la cara a Dios by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Chicas muertas of Selva Almada and ¿Porqué volvías cada de verano? of Belén López Peiró they renew the features of the testimony and / or related genres, I am interested here, on the one hand, to review how the imaginaries of sexist sexual violence displayed by them enter into connection with the universe of seventies events and stories; on the other, to identify the different images of resistance that they form — linked to a detachment of the woman from the place of the victim — in relation to the development of political, social and legal discourses around gender issues in Argentina.


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Author Biography

Miriam Chiani, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Miriam Chiani, PhD, is a professor in the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina), where she has held the charge of Director of the Departamento de letras (2001-2007) and Director of the Centro de teoría y crítica literaria, IdHICS-Conicet (2013-2018). Now she is full professor of Literary Theory I. Her research interests include post-dictatorship Argentinian literature. She published, among others, Cuadernos de Teoría (Chiani, Miriam, Dir., Ed. Al Margen. 2014); Escrituras compuestas: letras, ciencia, artes. Sobre Silvina Ocampo, Arturo Carrera, Juana Bignozzi, Marcelo Cohen (Chiani, Miriam, Comp. Ediciones Katatay, 2014); Intensa brevedad. Microrrelato y ELSE (Chiani, Miriam y Ana Príncipi Editoras, “Literatura Argentina y ELSE/Español como lengua segunda y extranjera”. EDULP/EUDEBA.2017), Voces de la violencia. Avatares del testimonio (Basile Teresa y Miriam Chiani Editoras, EDULP 2020); Escrituras en voz. Conversaciones con escritores argentinos (Chiani Miriam Editora, Libros FAHCE, to be published).



How to Cite

Chiani, Miriam. 2021. “Imaginarios Testimoniales En Escritoras Argentinas contemporáneas (Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Selva Almada, Belén López Peiró)”. Altre Modernità, March, 195-211.