Imaginarios testimoniales en escritoras argentinas contemporáneas (Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Selva Almada, Belén López Peiró)



Mots-clés :

Women's writing; Violence; Memory


In addition to exploring the ways Le viste la cara a Dios by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Chicas muertas of Selva Almada and ¿Porqué volvías cada de verano? of Belén López Peiró they renew the features of the testimony and / or related genres, I am interested here, on the one hand, to review how the imaginaries of sexist sexual violence displayed by them enter into connection with the universe of seventies events and stories; on the other, to identify the different images of resistance that they form — linked to a detachment of the woman from the place of the victim — in relation to the development of political, social and legal discourses around gender issues in Argentina.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Miriam Chiani, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Miriam Chiani, PhD, is a professor in the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina), where she has held the charge of Director of the Departamento de letras (2001-2007) and Director of the Centro de teoría y crítica literaria, IdHICS-Conicet (2013-2018). Now she is full professor of Literary Theory I. Her research interests include post-dictatorship Argentinian literature. She published, among others, Cuadernos de Teoría (Chiani, Miriam, Dir., Ed. Al Margen. 2014); Escrituras compuestas: letras, ciencia, artes. Sobre Silvina Ocampo, Arturo Carrera, Juana Bignozzi, Marcelo Cohen (Chiani, Miriam, Comp. Ediciones Katatay, 2014); Intensa brevedad. Microrrelato y ELSE (Chiani, Miriam y Ana Príncipi Editoras, “Literatura Argentina y ELSE/Español como lengua segunda y extranjera”. EDULP/EUDEBA.2017), Voces de la violencia. Avatares del testimonio (Basile Teresa y Miriam Chiani Editoras, EDULP 2020); Escrituras en voz. Conversaciones con escritores argentinos (Chiani Miriam Editora, Libros FAHCE, to be published).




Comment citer

Chiani, Miriam. 2021. « Imaginarios Testimoniales En Escritoras Argentinas contemporáneas (Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Selva Almada, Belén López Peiró) ». Altre Modernità, mars, 195-211.