Le storie degli animali nel Corano di Ahmad Bahgat: Quando gli animali prendono la parola





In Islam-inspired literature, tales of the lives of the Prophets have always highlighted the contribution of animals, though in a subordinate role compared to that of men. The anthology Qiṣaṣ al ḥayawān fil Qur’ān (Stories of Animals in the Quran) by Egyptian author and journalist Ahmad Bahgat stands as an exception. In its sixteen tales inspired by episodes in the Quran which showcase animals involved in wonders and miracles, the main characters are the animals themselves, who tell the Quranic tale like in a first-hand diary, in the first-person and from their own point of view. For the first time light is shed on their existence, without the overshadowing of those of the men with whom they have interacted. It is thus interesting to break down the representation of animals in these stories and grasp its originality. The first part of the essay will concern the author’s sources and how they impact the narrative while the second will focus on the choice of the animal as a means of circumventing the Islamic ban on the representation of the Prophets (Islam is notoriously an iconoclastic religion), achieved by superposing the animal on the Prophet, both in body and soul. The third part will examine the animal/virtue standing as the inverted double of the man/vice and, by consequence, the removal of bias concerning some animals in Arabic-Muslim culture.


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Author Biography

Nadia Tebbini, Université Tunis El Manar

Nadia Tebbini è professoressa di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana presso l’Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines de Tunis dell’Université Tunis El Manar. Ha insegnato presso i Dipartimenti di Italianistica dell’Université de la Manouba e dell’Université de Carthage. Ha collaborato con l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tunisi per l’organizzazione di eventi culturali, conferenze e corsi di lingua. Ha conseguito un dottorato in Letteratura Italiana Contemporanea presso l’Université de la Manouba. Ha vinto il Premio Internazionale Dino Buzzati 2016 nella categoria Studi Internazionali per aver dedicato allo scrittore sia la sua tesi di master e di dottorato che vari articoli pubblicati su riviste universitarie tunisine. Ha partecipato a convegni internazionali in Tunisia e all’estero, con lavori di ricerca sull’opera di Dino Buzzati, oltre che studi comparati e su argomenti ispirati alla civiltà nord-africana, e tunisina in particolare.


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How to Cite

Tebbini, Nadia. 2021. “Le Storie Degli Animali Nel Corano Di Ahmad Bahgat: Quando Gli Animali Prendono La Parola”. Altre Modernità, no. 26 (November):127-44. https://doi.org/10.54103/2035-7680/16801.



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