Raisa Orlova: radici ebraiche, educazione russa. Un percorso comune a diverse protagoniste dell'intelligencija sovietica


  • Giulia Peroni Università degli Studi di Milano




Raissa Orlova, Unione Sovietica, questione ebraica, Lilianna Lungina, IFLI


The essay presents the personal story of Raissa Orlova as an example of a process performed by different writers, primarily women of Jewish origin in the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 20th century. These women no longer have any connection with their ancestors’ religion and try to replace the faith in the Jewish religion with the faith in communism, whose god is Stalin. Raissa Orlova is a perfect example of homo sovieticus: she undertakes the young communist girls’ cursus honorum and she is totally blind to what is happening around her. A fundamental step in her path is the attendance of the IFLI, the "communist school " in Moscow. The veil of illusion falls from her eyes after the Twentieth Party Congress and the comparison with the European reality: Orlova realizes that she has believed in an idol and begins to trace her own personal past, to contrast the unifying vision of communism . At this stage Orlova rediscovers her Jewish origins and, although not converted to her ancestors’ religion, she finally becomes aware of her long ignored past.



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Author Biography

Giulia Peroni, Università degli Studi di Milano

Giulia Peroni è dottoranda in Slavistica presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Si è laureata con una tesi specialistica sul teatro epico in Unione Sovietica, concentrandosi sul lavoro del regista russo Jurij Ljubimov. Durante gli anni universitari ha studiato russo e tedesco e i suoi interessi di ricerca sono di carattere comparatistico tra le due letterature. Attualmente sta lavorando a una dissertazione dedicata al dissidente sovietico Lev Kopelev.



How to Cite

Peroni, Giulia. 2014. “Raisa Orlova: Radici Ebraiche, Educazione Russa. Un Percorso Comune a Diverse Protagoniste dell’intelligencija Sovietica”. Altre Modernità, April, 281-92. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/3990.



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