“Ce chatoiement linguistique” Les grands auteurs martiniquais entre langue française et langue créole




Palabras clave:

langue française ; langue créole ; littératures francophones ; littérature de la Caraïbe ; Martinique ; entretien


The linguistic complexity of the Caribbean context forces any literary
author to choose a language (or more languages) in the very wide range offered by
the Creole continuum, from Creole to the European languages that arrived on the
islands through colonization. The situation of Creole in the French Antilles is
particularly interesting, because it reveals the history of a denied or silenced language,
at times by its own speakers, and also by the great authors of the Francophone
Caribbean, as we will see analyzing the relationship with Creole and French of authors
of different generations, from Césaire and Glissant to Confiant and Chamoiseau.
Instead of judging these authors and their linguistic choices, this article will focus on a
reading of their complex and sometimes ambiguous relationship with these two
languages, and on the influence that this has had on the birth of a literature in Creole
in Martinique. Reading this relationship through their interviews, with the
characteristic immediacy and spontaneity of this genre, will help us to read an
unstable thought, revealing not only the results of their reflection on the possibilities
of a single language, but above all the possibility of using this history of oppression as
a starting point for a new perception of the role that any language can play in
Caribbean literary creation.


Cargando métricas ...

Biografía del autor/a

Giuseppe Sofo, Università Cà Foscari, Venezia

Giuseppe Sofo est enseignant-chercheur de Langue et traduction française à
l’Université Ca’ Foscari de Venise. Ses travaux de recherche portent sur la traduction et
la réécriture, surtout dans l’oeuvre d’Aimé Césaire. Boursier de l’Université Franco-
Italienne et du DAAD en Allemagne, il a enseigné dans des universités italiennes,
françaises et aux Etats-Unis. Il a publié une oeuvre consacrée à réécriture et traduction,
I sensi del testo : Scrittura, riscrittura e traduzione (Novalogos, 2018) et il a codirigé une
oeuvre collective sur la traduction, Sulla traduzione : Itinerari fra lingue, letterature e
culture (Solfanelli, 2015).



Cómo citar

Sofo, Giuseppe. 2019. «“Ce Chatoiement linguistique” Les Grands Auteurs Martiniquais Entre Langue française Et Langue créole». Altre Modernità, n.º 22 (noviembre):55-75. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/12457.