

  • Mark Chu University College, Cork
  • Nicoletta Vallorani Università degli Studi di Milano






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Biografía del autor/a

Mark Chu, University College, Cork

Mark Chu is Senior Lecturer in Italian and Head of the Department of Italian at University College Cork, Ireland, having previously taught English at the University of Palermo (1985-1991). His main areas of research are (i) Sicilian literature since 1870, and (ii) Italian crime fiction in its European and global context. Providing cohesion across these two apparently disparate areas is his concern with theoretical questions regarding representation and his cultural studies approach. These, in turn, are reconciled in his work, through a commitment to ethico-political engagement with the text and its intended and unintended meanings, with a deconstructionist method.

He teaches Italian language and modern Italian literature and the media, and supervises research postgraduates working on modern and contemporary Italian narrative, including a doctoral student whose thesis analyses the works of Nicoletta Vallorani.

Nicoletta Vallorani, Università degli Studi di Milano

Nicoletta Vallorani is Professor of English Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Milan. Her specialisations include media studies, gender studies and queer studies. She has also worked the cultural and ideological implications of translation, and on the relation between language and ideology in contemporary cultures.

Her current research focuses on body politics and cultural ideology, the body and the city, body language, cultural representation and disease. Her work on Joseph Conrad, H.G. Wells, Angela Carter, Will Self and Martin Amis is more grounded in the field of literary studies, while more recent approaches to Iain Sinclair, Derek Jarman, Orson Welles, Tony Harrison, Michael Winterbottom reveal a more specific reference to cultural studies’ theories and methods.

She has recently published on formula fiction, cinema and literature, urban topographies, the representation of the body, the representation of war in contemporary British and American cultures.



Cómo citar

Chu, Mark, y Nicoletta Vallorani. 2011. «Eva». Altre Modernità, septiembre, 336-42. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/1315.



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