Dream by the Royal Shakespeare Company: a dystopian experience of live performance, between avatars and virtual reality




Palabras clave:

performing arts; virtual theatre; entanglement; transmedial performance; embodiment


If, by definition, the performing event could not do without the co-presence in space and time of spectators and actors (Brook 21), history has shown us how profound reflections on the possibility of shifting the fundamental axes of theater have nevertheless come about. The increasingly substantial presence of video within performances, even if filmed in real-time, is one example that has called into question the fundamental concept of hic et nunc. The creation of performances for a single spectator has altered the anthropological binomial community/ritual in addition to the "non-human" entity of the performer, from metal theater to cyborg performance (Schrum). The Royal Shakespeare Company's new production (2021) Dream will be analyzed to discuss the particular artistic experimentation that has become widespread in the Covid era. This production, which is a technological performance watched by more than 20,000 people worldwide in just three days, brings performance and gaming technology together to explore new ways for the audience, a remote spectator, to experience live theater (Aebischer 21). As live play performances and readings continually crowd virtual platforms, theater is undergoing a radical shift from stage to screen and cyberspace. However, will these new formats survive in the post-pandemic times?


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Biografía del autor/a

Ester Fuoco, Università IULM

Ester Fuoco has a PhD in Digital Humanities and in Histoire et Sémiologie du
Texte et de l’Image. In 2022 she obtained the French qualification of Maitresse de confèrences en Arts du spectacle. In 2021, she won a research grant at the Institute of Biorobotics of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna for robotic development and experimentation in the Performing Arts. She is currently a Post-doc Researcher at IULM University with a two-year project entitled "Teatro Onlife: convergenze creative e di fruizione tra live, digital e transmedialità”. Her research and publications are in the areas of Contemporary Performing Arts, Aesthetic of Digital Performance and Theatrical Anthropology. Her recent publications include the book: “Né qui, né ora : peripezie mediali della performance contemporanea” and the essays “Rendre visible le mouvement du temps”; “Performance without Actors: The Theatrical Docu-Fiction”; “L’anamorphisme du corps béante sur la scène numérique”; “Carnefice o spettatore? L’ingaggio spettatoriale in The Repetition. Histoire(s) du théâtre di Milo Rau”.


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Cómo citar

Fuoco, Ester. 2022. «Dream by the Royal Shakespeare Company: A Dystopian Experience of Live Performance, Between Avatars and Virtual Reality». Altre Modernità, n.º 28 (noviembre):351-62. https://doi.org/10.54103/2035-7680/19184.



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