Heroes or villains? Investigating Intersectional Female Identities in Orange is the New Black


  • Anna Pasolini Università degli Studi di Milano




This paper investigates the first five seasons of Netflix original series Orange
Is the New Black (2013-2019) through an interdisciplinary perspective that combines
some critical approaches and tools from cultural studies, gender and feminist studies
(primarily intersectionality), and cultural criminology. The study aims at understanding
and accounting for the complex phenomenon of female violence from a different angle
and devises new critical instruments to approach narratives of women who commit
crimes that challenge deeply ingrained stereotypes and frame the possibility and
construction of criminal women’s agency


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Anna Pasolini, Università degli Studi di Milano

Anna Pasolini (PhD) works in the area of Cultural Studies and Gender Studies,
particularly on the representation of gender(ed) and transcultural identities in noir
fiction and on feminist revisions of traditional fairy tales. She has published on Derek
Raymond, David Cronenberg and Lionel Shriver, and is author of a monograph on
Angela Carter (Bodies That Bleed. Metamorphosis in Angela Carter’s Fairy Tales – Ledizioni,
2016). She is a member of the research group The Criminal Hero (University of Milan).




Comment citer

Pasolini, Anna. 2019. « Heroes or Villains? Investigating Intersectional Female Identities in Orange Is the New Black ». Altre Modernità, nᵒ 22 (novembre):258-78. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/12495.



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