El testimonio afectado: declaraciones de los hijos e hijas de desaparecidos en los juicios de lesa humanidad




Mots-clés :

Testimony; memory; image; construction; affection


The present work tries to approach the figure of the testimony in the case of the so-called second generation in Argentina. That is, the one that includes the sons and daughters of detainees who disappeared during the last military dictatorship, their own traumatic experience, the memory built from that experience and the collection of other objects of history (photographs, anecdotes, books, documents , clothes). These accounts call into question the classic model of the surviving witness's testimony. They are assembled from precarious images, incomplete memories, all pieces of a puzzle that is explicitly exhibited to account for its form of construction and the purpose of its objective: justice. The incorporation of these testimonies in the so-called trials against humanity in Argentina represents a novelty with respect to similar processes developed in the past (trial of the boards, trials for the truth). On the one hand, contributing from the subjective to the reaffirmation of identity in each one of those sons and daughters who manage to rescue the meaning before the elaboration of the testimony. And on the other, on a more social and collective level, serving as evidence in trials, about kidnapping, torture and disappearance. These two elements are intended to investigate their new configurations and implications.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Ramón Inama, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Ramón Inama (Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences - National University of La Plata): is a collaborating member of the research project "Violence, literature and memory in the Latin American field in recent decades" directed by Teresa Basile and Miriam Chiani. He has participated in the "X International Seminar: Art, memory and politics" (2017) in the Ex-Esma memory space. Son of Daniel Alfredo Inama (detained disappeared) and founding member of HIJOS La Plata. Literary columnist in the radio program "HIJOS de 30.000" of Radio Universidad de La Plata.




Comment citer

Inama, Ramón. 2021. « El Testimonio Afectado: Declaraciones De Los Hijos E Hijas De Desaparecidos En Los Juicios De Lesa Humanidad ». Altre Modernità, mars, 172-83. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/15367.