About the Journal

Focus and scope

Itinera is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal. Itinera aims at being a forum for international debate on Aesthetics and philosophical investigations on arts and theatre. A space is dedicated also to questions in which aesthetic and moral aspects are intertwined. 

Itinera has been recognized as a class A journal in the fields of cinema, music, performing arts, television and media studies (10/C1) and Germanic languages, literatures and cultures (10/M1).

Itinera is indexed in SCOPUS, BASE, DOAJ, ERIH Plus, SHERPA/RoMEO, ROAD.

History of the journal

Itinera was founded in 2000. Since 2010, the journal has been published on the platform of the University of Milan (riviste.unimi.it). The previous version is available at http://www.filosofia.unimi.it/itinera

Frequency of publication

The journal is published biannually, with two issues per year, in December and June.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides open and immediate access to its contents, on the principle that making research freely available to the public improves the dissemination and construction of knowledge at a global level.

Peer Review process

Itinera is a peer-reviewed journal. All articles will be evaluated by at least 2 referees, chosen from a board of scholars not belonging to the editorial or scientific committee, and with high competency in the domains of the journal. Referees are not allowed to see the authors' names and vice-versa (double blind review).

On the base of the reviews, articles will be accepted for publication, rejected, or sent back to the author for corrections. The final decision will be communicated to the author within 3 months from the date of receipt of the essay.

Guidelines for authors

The articles can be uploaded to the magazine's platform, but authors are also kindly requested to notify the editor of the magazine by sending them via email to the Director's address, maddalena.mazzocut-mis@unimi.it, and to the editors of the issue (for the monographic part).

The proposed essays must be unpublished. By submitting their essay to Itinera, the authors certify that it has not already been published (not either in other languages) or is in the process of being published.

Images included in the articles can be reproduced only if free from copyright restrictions.

It is the author’s sole responsibility to report which images need authorization and to provide the latter.

The text must be submitted to Itinera in its final version, following the indications of the editorial norms: link

Copyright policies

Authors grant the journal a license to publish their article, but they retain the copyright to their works and are free to publish them again anywhere.

The journal is protected by Creative Commons. Readers have free access to all content and have the right to download, copy, distribute, print, browse or create links to all published texts.

The license terms are available at the following address: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/it/

Pre-print and post-print can be stored anywhere with the same license.


Shared Research

Itinera fosters discussion and exchanges related to research both within the circle of its editors and members of the scientific committee and externally. For this reason, editors are often encouraged to propose monographic issues, involving other senior scholars, both Italian and non-Italian, in the editing process. Other issues are proposed based on numerous activities that members of the scientific committee and editors undertake: international summer schools in Aesthetics, conferences, projects. All proposed articles are nonetheless always original works and are subjected to double-blind peer review to ensure further openness in the proposed research.

International Profile

Itinera is committed to maintaining an international profile because it believes that exchange with foreign scholars is fundamental to the growth of research. For this reason, at least a portion of the articles in each issue is published in English, and authors from different countries are invited to publish whenever possible.

Privacy and Research Integrity Rules:

Publication in the journal is reserved exclusively for original content. Previously published articles, even in other languages, are not accepted. Articles must be relevant to the theme of the journal and respect its objectives. Itinera is committed to supporting independent research, identifying potential cases of plagiarism, and publishing only original contributions based on accurate and verified data. Additionally, the editorial staff is committed to correcting any errors present in published articles.


Authors grant the journal the right to publish their work while retaining full control of the copyright. This means that authors have the right to republish their work freely.

The journal adopts a Creative Commons license, ensuring readers free access to all its content. Readers can read, download, copy, distribute, print, browse, or link to all published texts without any restriction.

The terms of the license are available at the following address: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/it/

Preprints and postprints can be archived anywhere with the same license.

Promotion of Post-Publication Debate

The Director and members of the Scientific Committee work closely with the publisher to prevent plagiarism and violations of intellectual property. Furthermore, scientific debate is promoted by guaranteeing authors the right of reply when their interventions have been subjected to criticism and by publishing studies and even monographic issues that challenge previous articles or works. Itinera primarily aims to promote continuous dialogue with its community of authors and readers.

Management of Changes and Corrections

In the event that a correction regarding editorial errors of a formal nature (such as incorrect email addresses, affiliations, or titles, missing images, etc.) becomes necessary, the author can report it to the editorial coordinator, Alice Barale. The latter will proceed with the correction and subsequent republication of the article. It is important to emphasize that draft corrections to already published articles will NOT be admitted. This is to ensure transparency regarding published articles.

Ethical Duties of the Journal, Authors, and Referees:

Itinera follows certain ethical standards of behavior shared by all parties involved in the publication: the author, the journal (in the person of the article editor), the reviewers.


Publication Decision

The decision to publish usually follows the double-blind peer review. The Director may decide to reject an article before it is sent for peer review (especially if the article is not relevant to the themes addressed by the journal). In exceptional cases, the Director may also consult reviewers to clarify and possibly modify the review outcomes.


In the manuscript evaluation process, Itinera is committed to considering only the philosophical value of the articles, without prejudice against the authors based on their academic career advancement, fame, gender, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political or university affiliations. This approach ensures the possibility of discovering new authors, re-evaluating others, and promoting diversity and inclusion within aesthetic research.


The Director and members of the editorial staff undertake to maintain absolute confidentiality regarding the manuscripts received and not to disclose them to third parties without the author's authorization, including reviewers and potential reviewers.

Transparency and Conflicts of Interest

Editors undertake not to use unpublished materials present in manuscripts for research purposes without the prior written consent of the author. Furthermore, any conflict of interest that may arise will be managed transparently and responsibly.

Peer Review

The editor reserves the right to decide on the acceptance of manuscripts after evaluation by external reviewers, ensuring that they are not aware of the authors' identities to preserve mutual anonymity and maintain the objectivity of the review.



Reviewers are required to refuse to provide their evaluation if they realize they do not have the necessary expertise.


The review should first and foremost, if possible, help the author improve the article, for the publication in question or for future ones. For this reason, criticisms and corrections must be well-argued and constructive.


Reviewers are invited to provide their evaluation within one month of receiving the manuscript.


All materials received for review must be treated as confidential and must not be disclosed or discussed with third parties without the editor's consent.


Reviews must be conducted impartially, without personal influences or prejudices against the authors. Reviewers must provide a clear and reasoned evaluation of the manuscript. Reviewers are also required to declare whether they wish to review the text once the changes have been made (request for "major revisions") or not (request for "minor revisions").

Recognition of Sources

Reviewers are required to report any relevant publications not cited by the authors and to identify any substantial similarity between the manuscript under consideration and other known works.

Conflicts of Interest

Reviewers must refuse to evaluate manuscripts with which they have a conflict of interest, resulting from competition, collaboration, or other relationships.


Accuracy and Correctness

Authors must provide an accurate description of the work performed and an objective discussion of the results. They must present the data in a detailed and documented manner to enable understanding and discussion.

Originality and Attribution

Authors must ensure the originality of their work and correctly cite the sources used. In case of using the work of others, they must obtain consent and cite appropriately.

Recognition of Sources

All sources must be cited correctly. Authors must acknowledge the contribution of other scholars and collaborators.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors must disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest that may influence the results of their work.

Fundamental Errors

Authors are required to promptly inform the editor of significant errors in their published articles and to cooperate to correct or withdraw the work if necessary.