Havarie by Philip Scheffner: an Experiment in Erratic Empathy


  • Clio Nicastro ICI Berlin




In recent decades, many studies have been published on the topic of empathy across a range of disciplines. Being empathic is today almost a social duty, amplified by the possibilities enabled by new media in terms of getting directly in contact with stories and experiences of distant people simultaneously. The general trend is arguably that of focusing on the fusional relation between subject and object, without taking into account the distance and conflict implicit in sensing the other. The latest film of the Berliner visual artist Philip Scheffner, Havarie (2016), offers some compelling and fresh cinematic devices to challenge other kinds of empathic relation with the spectator, focusing on an erratic temporality that avoids striking actions and takes position against the idea of one, unique, right image to represent reality.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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GALLESE, Vittorio, GUERRA, Michele, Lo schermo empatico. Cinema e neuroscienze, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2015.

MULVAY, Laura, Death 24x a Second. Stillness and the Moving Image, Reaktion Books, London 2006.

RANCIÈRE, Jacques, Le spectateur émancipé, Édition La Fabrique, Paris 2008.

NICASTRO, Clio, “Identità, identificazione e riconoscimento a partire dall’idea di Einfühlung in Harun Farocki”, in L. Farinotti, B. Grespi, F. Villa (ed. by), Harun Farocki. Pensare con gli occhi, Mimesis, Milano 2017.

NICASTRO, Clio, “Storia di un’ordinaria avventura” [online], in Filmidee #17, Lo stato delle cose, published on May 5th maggio 2016. Available at the following address: http://www.filmidee.it/2016/05/havarie-storia-di-unordinaria-avventura/.

NOWAK, Magdalena, “The complicated History of Einfühlung”, Argument, vol. 1, 2/2011, pp. 301-326.

PEDWELL, Carolyn, Affective Relations: The Transnational Politics of Empathy, Plagrave, Basingstoke 2014.

PINOTTI, Andrea, Empatia: storia di un’idea da Platone al post-umano, Laterza, Bari 2011.

SCHEFFNER, Philip, “Statement of the film project Havarie” [online], September 30th 2015. Available at the following address:







Emotions in Art