The Word and the Flesh. Alimentary pictures and political strategies in the Theatre of Edward Bond and Rodrigo Garcia


  • Agathe Torti Alcayaga Université de Lorraine



This paper examines points of convergence between two major contemporary dramatists: British Edward Bond and Argentine-Spanish Rodrigo García. Indeed, even if their plays are formally very different, both stem from a radical criticism of our capitalistic consumption/aggression culture, both rely on the performativity of what is presented on stage, and both grant a prominent place to food. Food, which informs Bond’s critical and theoretical thought as well as his plays, and is omnipresent in García’s stage works, turns out to be an original dramatic constituent. By this means both dramatists establish contact with the spectator, with a view to bring him to (re)define his humanity and his political positions.




BOND, Edward, Plays: One (Saved, Early Morning, The Pope’s Wedding), Eyre Methuen, London 1977.

– Plays: Three (Bingo, The Fool, The Woman, Stone), Eyre Methuen, London 1987.

– Plays: Six (Red, Black and Ignorant, The Tin Can People, The Great Peace), Eyre Methuen, London 1998.

– Plays: Eight (Born, People, Chair, Existence, The Under Room), Eyre Methuen, London 2006.

– Theatre Poems & Songs, Eyre Methuen, London 1978.

– La trame cachée. Notes sur le théâtre et l’État, traduit par G., Jérôme Hankins et Séverine Magois, Séverine, L’Arche Éditeur, Paris 2003.

– Le Fou, traduit par G. Bas, L’Arche Éditeur, Paris 2006.

–, TUAILLON, David, Entretiens avec David Tuaillon, Archimbaud / Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2013.

GARCÍA, Rodrigo, Rodrigo García, traduit par C. Vasserot, dans Mises en Scène du monde. Colloque International de Rennes, Théâtre National de Bretagne, 4-6 novembre 2004, Les solitaires Intempestifs, Besançon 2005, pp. 377-387.

–, Entretien avec Rodrigo García, plaquette éditée par le Festival d’Automne à Paris pour Et balancez mes cendres sur Mickey, Théâtre du Rond-Point, 8-18 novembre 2007.

JOLLY, Geneviève, “Le rire insupportable de Rodrigo García”, Recherches & Travaux, 69, 2006, pp. 47-61 [on line]. Consultato in data 28 ottobre 2017. Disponibile all’indirizzo:

LE TANNEUR, Hugues, “Ca vous fait mal ?”, aden, supplément culturel de Le Monde, 9-15 octobre 2002, p. 2.

SARRAZAC, Jean Pierre, La Parabole ou l’enfance du théâtre, Circé, Belfort 2002.

TACKELS, Bruno, Rodrigo García. Écrivains de plateau IV, Les Solitaires Intempestifs, Besançon 2007.

TOLLEDI, Fabio, Walls – Theatre and War, Astragali Edizioni, Lecce 2014.





Seconda parte: paradigmi estetici: spettatorialità e performance