Antonin Artaud and James Turrell : The power of the place and the liminal language of space


  • Laura Kassar Université de Montreal



This essay explores the theoretical and material possibilities of a “language of space” in theatre as found in the works of Antonin Artaud and James Turrell. By drawing a bridge between Artaud’s philosophy of theatre and Turrell’s approach to conceptual art, we consider how the art of “stage work” is intimately linked to the fundamental philosophical questions of language and being. The foundations of our inquiry rest on the phenomenological analyses of French philosopher Georges Didi-Huberman. The main elements of our reflection concern the notions of the poetics of language and the substantiality of space.



ARTAUD, Antonin, Le théâtre et son double (1938), Gallimard, Paris 1964.

CAHEN-MAUREL, Laure, L’art de romantiser le monde. La peinture de Caspar David Friedrich et la philosophie romantique de Novalis, LIT Verlag, Zurich 2017.

DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges, L’homme qui marchait dans la couleur, Les Éditions de Minuit, Paris 2001.

HEIDEGGER, Martin, Holzwege, Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 1949 ; Chemins qui ne mènent nulle part, traduit par Wolfgang Brokmeier, Gallimard, Paris 1962.

RECH, Almine (éd. par), Rencontres 9 : James Turrell, Éditions Images Modernes, Paris 2005.





Seconda parte: paradigmi estetici: spettatorialità e performance