A View on Castellucci, between Reality, Voice and Spaces: Interview of Piersandra Di Matteo


  • Piersandra Di Matteo Università di Bologna
  • Vanja Vasiljević Università degli Studi di Milano




Piersandra Di Matteo collaborates with Romeo Castellucci since 2008. She combines her activity of curator with that of researcher and teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. She has worked in some the most important international festivals and theaters, from the Festival d’Avignon to the Schaubühne in Berlin, from the Wiener Festwochen to the Opéra de Paris. Her research deals with post-dramatic theatre, linguistics and contemporary philosophy, but also with the question of voice and of curatorial practices. She was invited speaker at different international research centers, like The School of Creative Media / University of Hong Kong; the Shanghai Theatre Academy; the Italian Academy, Columbia University (New York); the Center for Italian Studies, PENN University (Philadelphia). In May 2018, she edited E la volpe disse al corvo. Corso di linguistica generale, an inter-institutional project that realized ten performances of Castellucci in different places of Bologna, winning the UBU award for the best artistic-organizational project. Currently she is the curator for ERT - Emilia Romagna Teatro of Atlas of Transitions Biennale (2018-2020), which started last June in Bologna with the ten days of "Right to the City".






