Colour for Philosophers: Introduction


  • Alice Barale Università degli Studi di Milano



colour, philosophy, perception, language


«The ox becomes furious if a red cloth is shown to him, but the philosopher, who speaks of colour only in a general way, begins to rave». This is still true now: the philosophical discussion on colour is very lively. There is a debate within Anglo-American philosophy that has been going on for the past fifty years, and is still going on today, as is demonstrated by the imminent publication of the Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour, which we are happy to announce in this issue. Colour is something very familiar but, nevertheless, it is also a subject on which philosophers never cease to raise questions. Why?


ALLEN, Keith, A Naïve Realist Theory of Color, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2016.

BARALE, Alice, Il giallo del colore. Un’indagine filosofica, Jaca Book, Milano 2020.

BENJAMIN, Andrew, And Color? Sallis on Art’s Coloring, in Id., Art’s Philosophical Work, Rowman and Littlefield International, London 2015, chap. 7.

BENJAMIN, Andrew, Coloring Philosophy: Appel, Lyotard and Art’s Work, in Id., Art’s Philosophical Work, Rowman and Littlefield International, London 2015, chap. 6.

BYRNE, Alex, HILBERT, D. R., Readings on Color, vol. 1 and 2, MIT Press, Cambridge Ma. 1997.

BROWN, Derek, MCPHERSON, Fiona (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Color, Routledge, London 2020.

CLARK, Austin, Sensory Qualities, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1993.

CYTOWIC, Richard E., Synesthesia, MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Cambridge Ma.

CYTOWIC, Richard E., Sineshtesia: A Union of the Senses, MIT Press, Cambridge Ma 2002.

DICK, Philip, Human is, in Id., Electric Dreams, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston 2017.

FISH, William, Philosophy of Perception: A Contemporary Introduction, Routledge, New York 2010.

HURVICH, Leo M., JAMESON, Dorothea, An opponent-process theory of color vision, in “Psychological Review”, 64, 6, 1954, pp. 384-404.

JONATHAN, Cohen, The Red and the Real, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2011.

MAUND, Barry, Color, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, csli, Stanford 1997, second ed. 2018 ( and most recently D. Brown, F. Mcpherson, Introduction, in Idd. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Color, cit.

GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang, Zur Farbenlehre, Engl. trans. Theory of Colors, trans. by C. L. Eastlake, Murray, London 1840, p. V.

HARDIN, Clyde, Laurence, Color for Philosophers: Unweaving the Rainbow, Hackett, Indianapolis 1988.

HILBERT, David R., Color and Color Perception: A Study in Anthropocentric Realism, csli, Stanford 1987.

LANDESMAN, Charles, Color and Consciousness: an essay on Metaphysics, Temple University Press, Philadelphia 1989.

LEVINE, Joseph, Purple Haze: The Puzzle of Consciousness, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001.

LYCAN, William, Representational theories of consciousness, in E.N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006 (; ultimo accesso aprile 2020)

REVONSUO, Antti, Putting color back where it belongs, in “Consciousness and Cogni- tion”, 10(1), 2001, pp. 78-84, pp. 78-84;

SELLARS, Wilfrid, Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man, in Id., Science, Perception and Reality, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1963, pp. 1-40.

THOMPSON, Evan, Color Vision, Routledge, London 1994.

WESTPHAL, Johnatan, Color: Some Philosophical Problems from Wittgenstein, Blackwell, Oxford 1987 (then published as Color: a Philosophical Introduction, Blackwell, Oxford 1991)

WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig, Remarks on Color, Blackwell, Oxford 1977.






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