

  • Alice Barale Università di Milano
  • Alice Chirico Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
  • Claudio Rozzoni Università degli Studi di Milano


sublime, emotion, contemporary world, aesthetics


The sublime is a concept that has never ceased to attract and to fascinate scholars. In its classical formulation, it dates back to the eighteenth century, but some of the issues that characterize its origin – such as the border between representation and the unrepresentable, or between form and formless, pleasure and terror – return strongly in contemporary thinking. In this regard, opinions are divided. Is the sublime an already outdated notion that can only be discussed from a historical point of view? Or does it also contain important elements for the current philosophical debate? Moreover, have the transformations that the sublime has undergone in the contemporary world substantially distorted it, or have they instead brought to light some new possible implications of this concept? This issue of "Itinera" is dedicated to these and other similar questions, starting from the traditional definitions of the sublime between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, until its most recent interpretations.


Brady, E., The Sublime in Modern Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Ma. 2013.

Burke, E., A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful, Routledge, London 2009, part II, section VI.

Carboni, M., Il sublime è ora, Castelvecchi, Roma 2003.

Feloj, S., Soggetti sublimi. Dell’impossibilità di una teoria oggettivistica del sublime, in E. Garelli (a cura di), Il sublime e le arti, cit., pp. 63-75.

Garelli, E., Introduzione, in Id. (a cura di), Il sublime e le arti, in “CoSMo: Comparative Studies in Modernism”, 8 (Spring), 2016, pp. 7-26.

Kant, I., Analytic of the Sublime, in Id., Critique of the Power of Judgment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Ma. 2000, pp. 128-159.

Longinus, On Sublimity, in D. A. Russell, M. Winterbottom (eds.), Ancient Literary Criticism: the principal Texts in New Translations, Oxford University Press, Cambridge Ma. 1972, pp. 462-495.

Mazzocut-Mis, M., The Pleasure of Weeping: The Novelty of a Research, in P. Giacomoni, N. Valentini, S. Dellantonio (eds.), The Dark Side: Philosophical Reflections on the“Negative Emotions”, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2021, pp. 159-175.

Rozzoni, C., E. Sejten (eds.), Rivister le sublime, Mimesis, Paris 2021. A. Chirico & A. Gaggioli (2021). La profonda meraviglia: la psicologia dei momenti di eternità. Milano: San Paolo.


2021-08-06 — Updated on 2021-08-23




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