“At a Spit’s Distance”: Disgust and Fear in Aurel Kolnai and Jean-Paul Sartre


  • Marco Tedeschini Università di Roma Tor Vergata




Disgust and fear are very similar. Both seem to be a reaction of defense. The very sense of fear is nonetheless clear enough, that of disgust is not. Fear defends a person from something dangerous; disgust defends a person too, but the danger (if there is) that elicits it is absolutely obscure. In this paper, I will try to clarify in what consists the function of disgust and provide a criterion to identify its object. Basing my analysis on those carried out by Aurel Kolnai and Jean-Paul Sartre, I will claim that fear concerns the very existence of a person, while disgust its very value. 


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Fenomenologia del gusto e del disgusto