The Taste of Time: On the Construction of the Spectator’s Political Conscience


  • Agathe Torti Alcayaga Université de Lorraine



Traditionnally, live shows construct their spectators’ political consciousness through intellectual means. Taking George Tabori’s play Mein Kampf (Farce) (1987), Roberto Cossa’s La Nonna (1990), and Les Sept doigts de la main circus company’ show Cuisine et confessions (2014) as examples, this paper explores how the use of taste can also serve the same purpose. It demonstrates how the sense of taste is not necessarily antagonistic to « sense » as good understanding and judgement, and that it is notably through the transformation taste brings about in the relationship between stage and spectator time that both are reconciled.



*Sources primaires*

COSSA, Roberto, La Nonna (La Nona, 1980), tr. fr. de Claude Demarigny, Actes Sud, Paris 1990.

TABORI, George, Mein Kampf (Farce) (Mein Kampf, 1987), tr. fr. d’Armando Llamas, Actes Sud, Paris 1993.

*Sources secondaires*

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BOND, Edward, L’Énergie du sens, HANKINS, Jérôme ed., tr. fr. de BAS, Georges, HANKINS, Jérôme et MAGOIS, Séverine, Ed. Climats : Maison Antoine Vitez, Castelnau-le-Lez 1998, 2 vol.

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*Sites internet*

Page d’accueil de la compagnie Les sept doigts de la main Consultée le 25/07/2016.

Quelques liens vers les extraits de Mein Kampf (farce) disponibles sur Youtube : (Gustavo Böhm en MEIN KAMPF, FARSA de George Tabori, Dir. Jorge LAVELLI. En espagnol.) Consulté le 25/07/2016. (Theater in der Josefstadt. En allemand.) Consulté le 25/07/2016. (Shauspiel Bremen. En allemand.) Consulté le 25/07/2016.



Modalità di evocazione e di presenza della sensorialità a teatro