Le Turak, théâtre visuel et musical ou de l’objet à la poésie musicale


  • Virginie Lupo Université Lumière Lyon 2




The Turak Théâtre d’objets is a company which was created by Michel Laubu thirty years ago. Their objective is to turn each spectator into a child again. In order to reach that goal, why not use poetry and imagination? Their work consists in transforming the objects you use everyday: they may be turned into characters, pieces of furniture or musical instruments: for instance you might find drums made of barrels, or the invention of an instrument, the « arsenoïtal », or the creation of a clarinet, etc... We can highlight the link between the objects and the music in the shows by the Turak company so as to show how the relation between seeing, touching and hearing leads to musical poetry.


ARTAUD, Antonin, Le Théâtre et son double (1938), Gallimard, « Folio Essais », Paris 1964.

CRAIG, Edward Gordon, De l’Art du Théâtre (1911), Traduction de Monique Borie et Georges Banu, Circé, « Penser le théâtre », Paris 2004.

GOUHIER, Henri, Antonin Artaud et l’essence du théâtre, Vrin, Paris 1974.

GROSSMAN, Evelyne, Artaud/Joyce, Le Corps et le texte, Nathan, Paris 1996.

LAUBU, Michel, HUFNAGEL, Emili, En cyclo-pédie à travers la Turakie (A vélo ou à pied, des origines à Carmen), Fage Éditions, Lyon 2015.

RILKE, Rainer Maria, Lettres à un jeune poète (1929), Grasset, « Les Cahiers Rouges », Paris 1937.

PLASSARD, Didier, GUIDICELLI, Carole, BODSON, Lucile, Surmarionnettes et mannequins, Édition de L’Entretemps, Montpellier 2013.

GEORIS, Stéphane, BERTOLA, Isabelle, BLAISE, Pierre, Le pari de la marionnette au théâtre, Éditions de l’œil, Montreuil 2010.

VIRMAUX, Alain, Antonin Artaud et le théâtre, Seghers, Paris 1970.



Teatro d’oggetti, coreografia, mimo