A Republican house in the vicus of Bedriacum





Bedriacum; vicus; pisé; opus craticium; Celts; Romans; Republican period


This paper presents the results of the excavation of a house built in wood, pisé and opus craticum. The area excavated (“Campo del Generale” - Costa di Sant’Andrea) is situated in the township of Calvatone in the province of Cremona. The building is part of the Roman vicus of Bedriacum. Up to date it is the only house which didn’t use brick, at least in it’s foundations and seems more like a protohistoric house rather than a traditional Roman one. It dates back to the end of the 2nd century B.C. and was inhabited until the end of the 1st century B.C. The analysis of the finds (saggio 6, 1986-1996) brings one to propose that the owners must have had strong ties to the indigenous peoples (Celts) as well as to Roman.


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Author Biographies

Lynn Arslan Pitcher

Lynn Arslan Pitcher, retired archaeologist for the Soprintendenza Archeologica della Lombardia was responsible for the provinces of Varese and Cremona. She was director of archaeological restoration for Lombardy, As chief archaeologist and director of important excavations carried out during the period between 1980 and 2012 such as piazza Marconi in Cremona and Bedriacum, she has published most of the finds, amongst which Amoenissimis...aedificiis, Lo scavo di piazza Marconi a Cremona. 2017 -2018 and Bedriacum, Ricerche archeologiche a Calvatone, 1996. As of late she is presemting a study of excavations of religious buildings dated from Early Christian to Medieval times in the area of Cremona.

Gianluca Mete, Civic Archaeological Museum of Lodi Vecchio

Gianluca Mete, archaeologist. Currently curator of the Civic Archaeological Museum of Lodi Vecchio (Lo) and of the Museum "A. Parazzi" of Viadana (Mn). He deals, in particular, with studies related to urban planning and archaeology of the Cisalpine landscape. He has published several papers on the urban planning of Cremona and, among his latest projects, he was recently co-curator of a conference and proceedings on "Games and shows in the ancient world".





Studi di amici e colleghi per Maria Teresa Grassi (II parte)