Prevention and Maintenance in Archeological Sites


  • Paolo Gasparoli Politecnico di Milano



maintenance, prevention, inspection activities, planned maintenance, restoration, archaeological sites, audit


It is evident that archaeological artefacts are subject to significant risks for many reasons, but mainly due to their vulnerability and to environmental danger, as they are generally consisting of ruined structures, often in an advanced state of decay and directly exposed to the weathering. To adequately take under control the risk factors, in order to avoid the inevitable loss of archaeological artifacts, or at least to lengthen their life cycle in the best storage conditions, constant monitoring activities and interventions for prevention are required, as well as protection and "cure", assiduous and continued over time. In recent years, on the basis of a significant experimental phase, developed on excellence cases, effective operational tools have been made, which define procedures directed to the activation of processes of inspection activities (controls) and preventative maintenance. These experiences have also shown that the preservation of cultural heritage, as well as of archaeological artefacts, requires attention and interventions for which it is not always necessary to rely on archaeological skills, but simply on common sense and technical knowledge of the rules of arts and building best practices, already widely known and tested. Without underestimating, therefore, the importance of expertise, as an essential condition to allow the recognition of value, and from that learning the necessary precautions in operating, it must be considered that the conditions of decay, most often caused by lacking or wrong maintenance, are not usually due to limitations in scientific or technical knowledge, but to weakness and omissions in prevision, organisation and planning.


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Author Biography

Paolo Gasparoli, Politecnico di Milano

Architect, Associate Professor in Technology of Architecture at Polytechnic of Milan, Department ABC, undertook the national scientific qualification to Full Professor in 2012. He is a qualified Restorer according to the D.M. n° 294/2000. He has managed research on design methodologies, with particular attention to the activities of restoration, management and maintenance of existing buildings, both monumental and historic. He is running the Management Plan of Crespi d'Adda (UNESCO site) and the phenomena of physical and perceptive wear of Venice and its Lagoon (UNESCO site). He has collaborated with the Italian Ministry of Culture for the development of preventive and programmed maintenance processes on archaeological sites of Rome and Pompeii. He has written over a hundred papers and essays on the restoration and maintenance of existing buildings, published in journals and proceedings of national and international conferences, and he is the author of the following volumes: Un Manuale della Qualità e Procedure Gestionali per la Piccola e Media Impresa edile (1996); La manutenzione delle superfici edilizie (1997); La conservazione dei dipinti murali (1999); Le superfici esterne degli edifici. Degradi, criteri di progetto, tecniche di manutenzione (2002); Manutenzione e Recupero. Criteri, metodi e strategie per l’intervento sul costruito (2006, with C. Talamo); Prevenzione e manutenzione per i beni culturali edificati (with R. Cecchi, 2010); La manutenzione programmata dei beni culturali edificati (with R. Cecchi, 2011); Preventive and planned maintenance (with R. Cecchi, 2012); La Casa del Fascio di Gallarate. Ipotesi per il riuso e la valorizzazione (with M. Scaltritti, 2014), Venezia Fragile. Processi di usura del sistema urbano e possibili mitigazioni. Fragile Venice. Processes of wear on the urban system and possible mitigations, (with F. Trovò, 2014). As Technical Director of a specialised company, he has managed many important maintenance and restoration sites of historical buildings and monuments.





Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Seminar "Milano Archeologia for EXPO 2015", Milan 21, 26-28 November 2015