Letters of the engraver Francesco Maria Gaetano Ghinghi (1689-1762) to Anton Francesco Gori


  • Gabriella Tassinari University of Milan




Francesco Maria Gaetano Ghinghi, Anton Francesco Gori, The Laboratorio delle Pietre Dure in Naples, gem impressions, lapis lazuli workshop, Farnese collection, Antonio Pichler, Philipp von Stosch, Felice Gazzola, Herculaneum


The letters analysed in this article, now in the Biblioteca Marucelliana in Florence, are written from Naples by the famous gem-engraver, Francesco Maria Gaetano Ghinghi (1689-1762) to the renowned scholar and antiquarian Anton Francesco Gori. They give very interesting news about the activity of The Laboratorio delle Pietre Dure in Naples, that began its production in 1738, formed by Ghinghi, the first Director, and the Florentine craftsmen who had come with him. Ghinghi offers informations to reconstitute gems’s circulation in Naples, in that period; relates about antiquities found at Herculaneum (Gori was one of the first writer of those excavations), and about Antonio Pichler in Naples, founder of illustrious gem-engravers’s family, who Ghinghi knew very well, because both worked for the famous collector Philipp von Stosch. One might ask if the Bourbons, jealous of their gems’s collection, were acquainted with Ghinghi sent casts of their intaglios, made by himself, to Gori, interested in the possession of gems unknown.


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Author Biography

Gabriella Tassinari, University of Milan

She achieved the degree in Archaeology and the specialization in the same subject at the University of Milan. She has worked on roman cemeteries in Lombardy, on roman ceramic and on glyptic, both ancient and from the period between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. She has written on nineteenth-century gems and jewels, on some famous collections and engravers. She is currently studying the collections from casts of intaglios and cameos made by Giovanni Pichler and roman Dehn’s and Cades’s manufactures.



