About the Journal

Focus and scope

Italiano LinguaDue is the open-access electronic six-monthly journal of the Promoitals Master’s Degree (Master in Promozione e insegnamento della lingua e della cultura italiana a stranieri - Promoting and Teaching Italian Language and Culture to Foreigners) of the University of Milan (https://www.unimi.it/it/corsi/corsi-post-laurea-e-formazione-continua/master-e-perfezionamento/catalogo-master/).

Italiano LinguaDue is aimed at scholars, teachers, and trainers working in the field of teaching Italian as a second or foreign language, but also in the field of teaching Italian as a mother tongue in the broader area of language education in multilingual and multicultural contexts. It is also aimed at students in the faculties of literature, foreign languages and cultural mediation.


Italiano LinguaDue is divided into seven sections:

  1. The Italian second/foreign language section is devoted to studies and research on the teaching/learning of Italian in Italy and abroad, Italian as a contact language, Italian in multilingual and migration contexts, etc.
  2. The section History and presence of the Italian language in the world, edited by Franco Pierno (franco.pierno@utoronto.ca), hosts contributions on the spread and presence of the Italian language and culture in the world and on the evolution of Italian outside national borders in its synchronic and diachronic expressions.
  3. The Language Education section publishes contributions on language education as a process for the development of linguistic-communicative, expressive and cognitive skills realised through the teaching/learning of the mother tongue, the language of schooling, a second language, foreign languages and also ethnic languages, i.e. the languages of immigrant groups.
  4. The Linguistics and History of the Italian Language section contains studies and research on the Italian language (linguistic variability, language models, norms and usage, the textual dimension, etc.).
  5. The Experiences and Materials section is open to contributions that can provide teaching tools, materials, and models for teaching Italian as a second or foreign language.
  6. The Reviews section is dedicated to the presentation of works relating to the themes addressed by the journal; public documents of particular importance in the field of language education, Italian L2 and language policies are also reviewed.
  7. The Quaderni di Italiano LinguaDue hosts proceedings of conferences on topics related to sections 1-4 of the journal.


Peer Review Process 

Italiano LinguaDue submits contributions to a double-blind peer review process.

The journal editor accepts manuscripts after sending the manuscript to at least two anonymous external referees.

TO SUBMIT A CONTRIBUTION, PLEASE WRITE TO: italianolinguadue@unimi.it.


Open Access Policy 

This journal provides open and immediate access to its content, on the principle that making research freely available increases the global knowledge exchange.


The magazine is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution – Share-alike 4.0 International Licence.


The University of Milan has an archiving agreement with the National Central Libraries of Florence and Rome as part of the national Magazzini Digitali project.

The journal has activated the PKP PN (Preservation Network) service to preserve digital content through its transfer to the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) project.

Anti-plagiarism measures

Editors are responsible for acting promptly in case of errors and misconduct in both published and unpublished contributions, whether proven or suspected. In case of mistakes, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, in published articles or during the publication process, appropriate measures will be taken, following the recommendations and guidelines of COPE. Corrections will be made with due prominence, including publication of an erratum (errors in the publication process), rectification (authors' mistakes) or, in the most severe cases, withdrawal of the work concerned. Withdrawn papers will be kept online and prominently marked as a retraction in all online versions, including the PDF, to guarantee readers’ transparency.

Declaration on Artificial Intelligence

Italiano LinguaDue acknowledges the importance of artificial intelligence innovations understanding the challenges and opportunities they entail.

Authors who have used artificial intelligence tools in the editing of a manuscript, in the production of images or graphical elements of the article, or in the collection and analysis of data, are invited to explicitly declare their use, mentioning the AI tool, the field of application, the search queries used and the date of use, in order to allow reproducibility and verification.
The author will remain responsible for the accuracy and correctness of any published content and guarantees compliance with the code of ethics and anti-plagiarism rules.
Authors who have used AI, or AI-assisted tools, are required to include a paragraph at the end of their manuscript, entitled "Declaration on Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies in the Writing Process", with the following information:
"During the preparation of this paper the author(s) used [TOOL/SERVICE NAME] on [DD/MM/YYYYY] using the search terms: [SEARCH TERMS] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) have reviewed and edited the content as necessary and take full responsibility for the content of the publication."

Editors are not allowed to upload received manuscripts into artificial intelligence software, in order not to risk compromising privacy and copyright.

Reviewers undertake not to use artificial intelligence tools to evaluate manuscripts in order to guarantee the application of critical thinking and original assessment, as required for this work.