“Un re non è un cetriolo”. La figura del re Davide in Keter ba-rosh di Yaakov Shabtai
https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/1163Parole chiave:
Yaakov Shabtai, re DavideAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyse King David’s character as it appears in the play Keter ba-rosh written by Yaakov Shabtai in 1968-1969. In addition to the comparison with the original biblical character, a deep survey of King David’s role in the play has been conducted in the order to explain the different possible interpretations of the work. A particular attention is devoted to the affinity between this play and the fictional work of the author.Downloads
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Come citare
Ferrari, Sara. 2011. «“Un Re Non è Un cetriolo”. La Figura Del Re Davide in Keter Ba-Rosh Di Yaakov Shabtai». Altre Modernità, giugno, 65-71. https://doi.org/10.13130/2035-7680/1163.
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