On some toponyms (still uncertain) of the «Cantigas de Santa María»: clarifications in light of the "GloSabio" project

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Manuel Negri


The contributions aimed at offering resolving hypotheses on the ambiguity of some toponyms mentioned in the Cantigas de Santa María are still scarce. The present work, the result of research conducted as part of a larger project, with the aim of undertaking a systematic study of the nominal entities (toponyms and anthroponyms) that appear in the Cantigas dedicated to the Virgin, deals with the cases of Camela (CSM 165 ), Luzerna (CSM 405) and Romania (CSM 231). These have in fact received divergent readings from critics, with a consequent alteration of the space in which the corresponding literary miracles occur. The study aims to integrate the already good observations of Walter Mettmann with linguistic, historical and literary data to arrive at a more secure identification of the toponyms in question

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Author Biography

Manuel Negri, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Manuel Negri è Dottore in Studi Medievali con Premio Straordinario (curriculum di Filologia Romanza) all’Università di Santiago de Compostela. È ricercatore post-dottorale nel Dipartimento di Filologia Gallega della stessa istituzione e Academic Visitor al Center for the Study of the «Cantigas de Santa Maria» della University of Oxford. Si occupa principalmente di fonti delle «Cantigas de Santa Maria» composte da Alfonso X e il suo entourage nella seconda metà del XIII sec. È membro della Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval (AHLM) e Ricercatore Integrato del Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura della Universidade de Coimbra (CHSC).