CfE 45 - For a Multipolar History of the Film Industries: Centre-Periphery Relations in the Cold War Years
Call for Essays for the thematic section of Cinéma & Cie no. 45, edited by Giorgio Avezzù, Francesco Di Chiara and Paolo Noto.
Cinéma & Cie submissions must not have been previously published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to other journals.
Articles should be formatted according to the journal’s style guidelines.
The manuscript must be anonymous: the author’s name must not appear in the text, notes and in the properties of the uploaded file. For specific details on the submission procedure see instructions below.
For any further questions please contact us at:
The thematic issue only accepts submissions in response to specific calls for papers which you will find on the dedicated page Announcements.
Following the so-called “digital revolution”, dramatic transformations have affected the ways in which cinema is produced, consumed and perceived, to the extent that it seems to have gone “beyond” itself: beyond its very language and discourse; its traditional consumption practices and spaces; its position and function within the social (as well as the medial) sphere. As a consequence, during the last two decades, research in film studies has significantly widened its scope: the study of cinema has been re-articulated in several fields of inquiry and through a variety of methodological approaches and (inter)disciplinary perspectives, in an attempt to keep up with these most recent developments.
This section of Cinéma & Cie aims therefore to function as a permanent observatory of this “beyondness”. Specifically, it provides a space to re-discuss the thresholds of the cinematic medium, as well as the boundaries of traditional film studies, by addressing a variety of under-investigated contexts and objects through innovative and unconventional approaches and references. Beyond Cinema encourages proposals related to the following main frameworks:
Cinema Beyond the Film Text. Cinema in a transtextual perspective: intertextual, metatextual and hypertextual relations among films, and/or between films and other cultural products; practices of appropriation of pre-existing images (found-footage, archival footage, collage films, and so on).
Cinema Beyond the Cinematic Medium. Cinema in a transmedia perspective: remediations and intermedial practices; processes of translation, differentiation, assimilation, hybridization and mutual exchange with other media formations, on both the aesthetic and material level.
Cinema Beyond the Movie Theatre. Cinema in a translocational perspective: the relocation of cinema and new forms of circulation and consumption (from mobile phones to urban screens); musealization and exposition of cinema and films; non-institutional forms of filmmaking (amateur cinema and non-theatrical genres, such as the medical, industrial, touristic film, etc.).
Cinema Beyond Film Studies. Cinema in a transdisciplinary perspective: intersections between film studies and other disciplines, from both the humanities and hard sciences (cinema and philosophy, cinema and neuroscience, cinema and cultural studies, etc.); the role of cinema as a didactic tool and as an instrument of scientific inquiry.
We invite the submission of articles in English or French (max 5,000–6,000 words), edited according to the journal’s style guidelines. Contributors are also asked to provide an abstract (200 words), 5 keywords, and a short biographical note (100 words). The author’s ORCID should be included if available.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance within one month of submission. Once their article has been assessed for suitability by the section’s editors, it will then be peer-reviewed by anonymous, expert referees.
Reviews must be in English or French (max 1,000-1,200 words).
Articles must be formatted according to the journal’s style guidelines and they can include identifying information.
We do not accept unsolicited book reviews.
To submit sample copies for a review, please send the book to:
Alice Cati & Luisella Farinotti
Dipartimento di Scienze della comunicazione e dello spettacolo
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Via Sant’Agnese 2
20123 Milano (Italia)
This section includes international research programs and noteworthy Ph.D. thesis projects or abstracts recommended by supervisors. Ph.D. thesis can be both in progress (Project) or concluded (Abstract). Both Projects and Abstracts should include the name of the thesis supervisor (and in case, co-supervisor), but they should not include keywords. Abstracts should include the date of dissertation.
Submitted articles must be in English or French (max 1,000–1,200 words).
Articles must be formatted according to the journal’s style guidelines and they can include identifying information.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Open Access Policy is based on rules of Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)
The Author allows Cinéma & Cie the right to publish for the first time or republish the work within 1 (one) year from the submission, and the perpetual right to distribute the work free of charge by any means and in any parts of the world, including the communication to the public through the journal website.
The Author retains the right to create derivative works and to reproduce, distribute, execute or publicly display her/his work at conferences and presentations, lectures, and in case of any other professional activity.
The Author retains the right to disseminate open access the work, through his website or through an institutional or disciplinary, from the publishing on Cinéma & Cie.
The Author, according to the Publisher, renounces to any forms of compensation provided to authors and publishers for not for profit photocopying rights and library loan in accordance to the National law in force.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Call for Essays for the thematic section of Cinéma & Cie no. 45, edited by Giorgio Avezzù, Francesco Di Chiara and Paolo Noto.
Call for Essays for the thematic section of Cinéma & Cie no. 44, edited by Daniele Rugo and Marco Benoît Carbone.
Call for Essays for the thematic section of Cinéma & Cie no. 42, edited by Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Giuseppe Previtali, and Giacomo Tagliani.
Cinéma & Cie. Film and Media Studies Journal
ISSN 2036-461X
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.