“Wir wollen uns mit den Bildern unseres Landes befassen”:*Documents, Fetishes, Icons, Relics: the Reconstruction of the German Autumn as an Image


  • Luisella Farinotti Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM


In 18.Oktober 1977 – a cycle of fifteen paintings about the German Autumn and the Baader-Meinhof Gang – Gerhard Richter deals with the trauma of terrorism confronting himself with the crystallized memory of the “crime scene” – specifically, the photos of the dead bodies in Stammheim taken by the police and then published in Stern – that he recomposes, giving us back an experience of blurred, vague, enigmatic vision, therefore forcing us to look in a different way and to search for what is hiding from our sight.
The work of Richter is a gesture of rewriting archival images that thus becomes an act of redemption. He opposes to the obscene visibility of the death showed in the photographs of the police – exhibited as proofs of guilt or exploited to satisfy a desire of revenge – the spectral vision of an elementary truth: death, even in the exceptional form of terroristic violence, represents a mysterious and utter horizon that no political gesture can recompose. It is exactly in the death, experienced as a common but unspeakable fate, that Richter finds the humanity of the terrorists, helping us to approach the comprehension of trauma.




How to Cite

Farinotti, L. (2015). “Wir wollen uns mit den Bildern unseres Landes befassen”:*Documents, Fetishes, Icons, Relics: the Reconstruction of the German Autumn as an Image. Cinéma & Cie. Film and Media Studies Journal, 15(24). Retrieved from https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/cinemaetcie/article/view/16407