Une goutte d’eau, une goutte d’étoiles. Microcinématographie et avant-garde dans les années 1920





Scientific Film, Microscope, Avant-garde, Twenties, Film Theory


A long-standing link exists between avant-garde and scientific cinema. In the 1920s, in fact, the former contributed to the construction of the latter: on the one hand, by its systematic inclusion in film clubs’ and film societies’ screening programs; on the other hand, by catalyzing the theoretical debate on the medium specificity because of the specific techniques it develops. Through the texts by philosophers, film makers and theorists of the time (Walter Benjamin, Germaine Dulac, Jean Epstein, Émile Vuillermoz, László Moholy-Nagy among others), this essay examines the role of microscope films in the construction of 1920s film theory, discussing several tropes and key concepts such as pure cinema, cinégraphie integrale, rhythm theory and optical “unconscious”.

Author Biography

Maria Ida Bernabei, University of Turin

Maria Ida Bernabei (PhD in Visual Culture-Études Cinématographiques, Iuav Venice-Université Paris 8) is research fellow at the University of Turin, where she teaches Cinema and Visual Culture. She previously worked on the avant-garde reception of scientific cinema in the 1920s (Un’emozione puramente visuale. Film scientifici tra sperimentazione e avanguardia, 2021) and the Italian documentary in the Fascist era (La linea sperimentale. Un percorso di ricerca attraverso quarant’anni di cinema documentario italiano, 2013). She is also member of the “Ephemeral media and Italian female spectatorship during fascism”, “Modes, Memories and Cultures of Film Production in Italy (1949-1976)” and “A Private History of Italian Film Criticism” research groups at the University of Udine, where she has worked as postdoc researcher.


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How to Cite

Bernabei, M. I. (2024). Une goutte d’eau, une goutte d’étoiles. Microcinématographie et avant-garde dans les années 1920. Cinéma & Cie. Film and Media Studies Journal, 23(41), 159–178. https://doi.org/10.54103/2036-461X/17723