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Nr. 2 (2021): L’artivismo: forme, esperienze, pratiche e teorie

The Middle Finger Response. Crowdworkers of the World United in a Gesture

  • Guido Segni
March 13, 2021


The Middle Finger Response (2013) is a curated selection of 300+ spontaneous self- portraits of cloud workers I commissioned travelling around one of the most represan- tive crowdsourcing platform: Amazon Mechanical Turk. All the workers in the selection have been paid about 0.5$ in order to take awebcam picture of themselves showing their face, their context and, ultimately, theirmiddle finger response. It's just a cynical but sincere attempt to establish a dialogue between the artist, the public and the crowd dispersed through the new frontiers of leisure, labour and exploitation in the age of the big cloud.

WEB PAGE OF THE INSTALLATION: http://www.crowdworkersoftheworldunite.com