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No. 2 (2021): L’artivismo: forme, esperienze, pratiche e teorie

Arare la rivoluzione. Una proposta “artivistica” di Instabili Vaganti

December 29, 2020


Unable to continue its live performances, owing to the anti-COVID 19 measures, the theatrical company Instabili Vaganti developed Lockdown memory. This digital performance explores how the pandemic has revealed the need for a radical change in our way of life, as part of the Beyond Borders project, where artists, scholars, and political activists connect remotely in order to think about ways to implement this transformation. This article examines Lockdown memory within the framework of Instabili Vaganti’s poetics and the practice of artivism. It argues that this performance links artistic activity, video installation and politics to sow the seeds for a revolution. The performative act prepares the soil from which a new world will sprout and aims to avoid any return to past normality, which is one ofthe causes of the distortions and injustices spreading around us.